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On March 17, KTU Career Days 2010 invites to a contact fair for students and companies
18  March Vilnius hosts the biggest Internet Conference in the Baltic States LOGIN 2010
KTU tops among Lithuanian universities in World University Rankings 2010
Hunters and gatherers who lived during the Ice Age made pottery vessels for cooking fish, according to a new international study, published today in Nature. Researchers have analysed food residues found in pottery vessels, up to 15,000 years old. This has resulted in the hitherto oldest direct evidence of prehistoric vessel use. The study is the first of its kind to directly tackle the frequently asked question of why humans began to produce cooking vessels.
Country: FRANCE - Download date: 2014 01 19 23:1 - Post date: 17-01-2014 12:15 - Organisation: Galaxie - Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche - Research Fields: Economics
Country: POLAND - Download date: 2014 01 19 23:1 - Post date: 17-01-2014 12:37 - Organisation: State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sącz - Research Fields: Economics
Event date: 2014-01-21 The 'EPIGEN-MiChroNetwork Chromatin Seminar' will be held on 21 January 2014 in Pavia, Italy. It will focus on the theme 'Drug targeting of the Epigenome'. The EPIGEN-MiChroNetwork Chromatin Seminar will provide participants with an opportunity for informal discussions on the recent advances in epigenetics research.
Event date: 2014-01-23 The 'ICT Research and Innovation for Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage: Horizon 2020 Information and Networking Day' will be held on 23 January 2014 in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. This event addresses potential applicants for the first call under Horizon 2020 in the fields of ICT research and innovation with an interest in supporting the cultural and creative industries and cultural heritage.
Event date: 2014-01-27 A conference on 'Pre-Filled Syringes' will be held from 27 to 28 January 2014 in London, UK. Pre-filled syringes are continuing to make a huge impact in the administration of new therapeutic drugs but a number of challenges must be overcome to reach the full potential of these devices.
Event date: 2014-01-29 'A Science Policy Symposium for Freshwater Life' will be held from 29 to 30 January 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. It will focus on the theme 'Water Lives: New scientific horizons for biodiversity and water policy'. Numerous EU biodiversity and water related policies have been designed to protect freshwater ecosystems and to ensure their sustainable use. However, major challenges still persist in the implementation of these policies.
