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How to join FRUCT Association

FRUCT Association is rather informal and we are welcoming all research teams to join us. FRUCT membership is team level, so you don't need any additional approval, as any regional team can become our member. You only need to be active, cooperation-oriented, interested in learning new things, ready to make joint technology exploration projects and willing to contribute to development of new common knowledge by exchanging your findings and best practices. FRUCT members are getting a number of benefits. Joining FRUCT Association is very easy and requires only three steps:

1. Select/propose research topic for cooperation

  • When joining an existing activity, the team shall clearly define its niche, i.e., propose what kind of contribution they are ready to provide. The list of on-going projects is available here.
  • You are welcome to propose a new activity, but then the team shall clearly define the available and missing competences, the expected timeline and deliverables. Optionally it could request support (e.g. expert evaluation, equipment, books, etc.). Project proposal form is available here.


2. Prepare an overview presentation about your team and institution

  • Include general facts about the team and university/organization
  • Present team’s cooperation experience and best collaborative practices it had
  • Describe what competences the team has and what resources (people, equipment, etc.) areavailable for FRUCT activities now and potentially in the future
  • Provide an overview of recently completed and ongoing projects


3. Appoint contact person and request FRUCT invitation by email

Upon reviewing project proposal, FRUCT team will give feedback, provide networking contacts and (if necessary) appoint relevant experts to ensure an on-going support for project activities.

Although FRUCT aims at collaborative research (i.e. team-working between two and more organizations) individual researchers, students and other interested parties are also welcome to contact us. Please address your questions, comments and ideas via info<at>
