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Education Inquiry is an international on-line, peer-reviewed journal in the field of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education. It publishes original empirical and theoretical studies from a wide variety of academic disciplines. The journal is published by the Umeå School of Education, Umeå University, Sweden and is issued four times per year (March, June, September and December).
Chemists at Umeå University have been able to trace narcotics substances and prescription drugs in measurements of wastewater from 33 Swedish sewage treatment plants. Cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine, in measurable concentrations, were found in a total of half of the locations.
Tidpunkt:  Wed, 06/11/2013 On Wednesday, November 6th at 7.30-9.00 am the Early Birds takes over Arcada when students, staff, alumni and external partners get together to celebrate "Svenska dagen" (a day f read more
Tidpunkt:  Tue, 21/01/2014 read more
nobanetalla2000.jpg Press realease 12.09.2013 read more
The main entrance doors are closed from 22nd of June to August 12th. Guests are requested to call the Information desk, and they will open the doors. read more
An additional application is now announced to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Plastics Technology. Application deadline is 19 July 2013. read more
Chemists at Umeå University have been able to trace narcotics substances and prescription drugs in measurements of wastewater from 33 Swedish sewage treatment plants. Cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine, in measurable concentrations, were found in a total of half of the locations.
Researchers in Umeå and Uppsala have found that residues of the influenza drug Tamiflu in our environment can make the influenza virus in birds resistant. This can have serious consequences in the event of an influenza pandemic. With more than 14 million SEK from the Swedish Research Councils Formas and VR, the research team will now continue their studies with a focus on alternative antiviral drugs.
