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ISMW FRUCT Conference Registration page


The conference program is available for download.

To be published in the ISMW FRUCT Conference Proceedings an author of the accepted full paper shall register to the conference and the paper must be presented by one of the authors at the conference unless the Conference or TPC Chair granted written permission for a substitute presentation. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers - please note that one registration is valid for maximum 2 papers.

All prices are given in Russian Rubles

Date of registration Type Regular fee Academic fee** Student fee***
Early* Conference 5000 2800

1300, note that you can apply to**** fee waiver

School 5000 2800
Both 8000 4000
Late/On-site Conference 6900 4900 2900
School 6900 4900
Both 12000 8000

! Notice that poster and demo presentations of company products / commercial products require Regular fee (even if the presenter is student or employee of academic institution) 

* Early conference registration deadline: July 28, 2016.

** Employees of academic institutions and non-for-profit research institutions qualify for the academic fee.

*** Both undergraduate and graduate (that is, those doing MSc or PhD) students qualify for the student fee.

**** Fee waivers (Free of charge)

Students (include PhD students) that willing to participate in the conference, but have limited financial resources, can apply for fee waiver grant.

To apply for the waiver, please, send your CV, motivation letter, recommendation and short description of you research to


Deadline: 15 July 2016

Notification of acceptance date: 22 July 2016

The preference will be given to the students that

1) going to participate in the whole school and conference program 

2) contribute to the conference by submitting a paper or poster/demo.


REGISTRATION (if you have registration already, but haven’t paid the fee, please click here to do it now)

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