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SS WG blog


• Alexey Kashevnik write e-mail to Anton Veselov related to providing an access to news page of FRUCT web-site. Make a AP list as blog.

• Luca Roffia will create two his smart-M3 related projects in Also it is needed to add the source code to the created project.

•Luca Roffia will use smartconference ontology in development SSupperontology. He will send this ontology to Alexey and they will decide is it needed to share it through sourceforge. In September this AP will be discussed.

• Jukka Honkola will review Dmitry e-mail related to Smart-M3 Materials page Sergey will remind Jukka till the end of August.

• Jukka will contact with Sofia and Nokia about the Smart-M3 repository.

• Every SS WG participant should reserve their time to participate RuSmart 2011 conference. The SS WG meeting will be in August 23 14:00-18:00.

• Alexey will send to-do list for smart conference system and its extension list to the distribution list at August 19. Every participants needs to review and comment it and present of their work.

• Kirill will decide to the next Telco is it possible to develop Severall SIB connection patch till the RuSMART conferece. Alexey will ask him about the progress.

• Andrew will report about the possibility to use SmartSLog to SC.

• Alexey will provide the new version of SC to Sourceforge and to the MAEMO repository.

• Alexey will organize the local Telco about SC on RUSmart.