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The 3rd Conference on Smart Spaces ruSMART 2010

August 23-24, 2010 St.Petersburg, Russia

Recent advances in the field of wireless networks have moved them beyond their traditional areas of application to a much broader scope. They form a space where users can access a number of wireless technologies to interact with various services. Similarly, existent and future services form a space providing an unlimited set of possibilities ranging from browsing to interactive video conversations. All these layers form a smart environment that can harmonize a number of technologies at each architectural layer to provide the best user experience.

This conference will explore and explain the scope and challenges of smart spaces. In this regard, the conference aims to bring together research professionals from diverse fields including but not limited to wireless communication, ubiquitous networks, software development, multimedia, services, and business in both academia and industry.
Conference proceedings will be published in LNCS, Springer (confirmed) and indexed by relevant databases.

Paper submission April 08, 2010 (extended deadline for FRUCT members) Notification of acceptance May 18, 2010 Camera ready version May 29, 2010

Submission is open via EDAS. To register/submit your paper please visit