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8th FRUCT conference: program

The conference program is available for download in PDF.


09.11.10 10.00-10.30 Registration to Libmeegotouch training and FRUCT8 conference (room 6325)
10.30-12.30 Libmeegotouch training: Introduction to MeeGo Touch Framework (room 6325)
12.30-13.30 Lunch (only for pre-registered participants of Libmeegotouch training)
13:30-15:00 Libmeegotouch training: An Application from Scratch (room 6325)
15:00-15:30 Coffee-Break (only for pre-registered participants of Libmeegotouch training)
15:30-17:00 Libmeegotouch training: The application(room 6325)
10.11.10 08.30-09.15 Registration to Smart-M3 training and FRUCT8 conference (room 6325)
09.15-11.15 Smart-M3 Platform training (room 6325)
11.45-12.00 Lunch (only for pre-registered participants of Smart-M3 training)
11.00-12.00 Registration to FRUCT8 conference (room 2310)
12.00-14.00 Official opening of 8 thFRUCT conference (room 2310)
14:00-14:15 Coffee-Break
14:15-17:30 Smart Spaces & Smart-M3 platform (room 4409-10)
11.11.10 09.00-09.30 Invited talk: Open Innovations, Marko Torkkeli, LUT, Finland (room 2310)
09.30-11:00 Maemo/MeeGo solutions for Social Networking (room 4409-10) Network Technologies I (room 4504)
11:00-11:15 Coffee-Break
11:15-12:30 Maemo/MeeGo solutions (room 4409-10) Network Technologies II (room 4504)
12:30-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Lunch (only for pre-registered participants of FRUCT8 conference)
13:30-14:00 Lunch Mobile Multimedia & Video (room 4504)
14:00-15:30 New Trends in Services (room 2310)
15:30-15:45 Coffee-Break
15:45-17:15 Publishing Research Results (room 2310) Network Technologies III (room 4504) Security training(room 6325)
17:15-18:00 Smart Spaces WG face-to-face (room 2310) Maemo/MeeGo WG face-to-face (room 4504)
19:00-22:00 Social Event (only for pre-registered participants of FRUCT8 conference)
12.11.10 09.15-11:30 Security (room 4409-10)
11:30-12:30 Lunch (only for pre-registered participants of FRUCT8 conference)
12:30-14:00 Embedded Networks and Solutions (room 2310)
14:00-14:30 Coffee-Break
14:30-17:00 Mobile Software and Services (room 2310)
17:00 Official closing of 8 thFRUCT conference (room 2310)


November 9 (Tuesday)

Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta

10:00 30m Onsite registration to Libmeegotouch training
Session:Libmeegotouch training: Introduction to MeeGo Touch Framework
Room: 6325 
Trainers: Adrian Yanes and Dezso Denes
10:30 2h Introduction to MeeGo Touch Framework
12:30 1h Lunch (only for pre-registered participants of Libmeegotouchtraining)
13:30 1.5h An Application from Scratch
15:00 30m Coffee-Break (only for pre-registered participants of Libmeegotouchtraining)
15:30 1.5h The Application
17:00   Closing of Libmeegotouch training


November 10 (Wednesday)

Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta

09:00 30m Onsite registration to Smart-M3 training
Session: Smart-M3 Platform training
Room: 6325

Trainer: Jukka Honkola
09:15 2.5h - Show M3 python API in detail, overview of other APIs
- Different abstraction levels: SSAP vs. using an ontology library
- Hello world example
- Hands-on exercise / detailed demo
11:45 45m Lunch (only for pre-registered participants of Smart-M3 training)


11:30 30m FRUCT Conference Registration
Session: Official Opening of 8th FRUCT conference
Room: 2310

Chairman: Pekka Jäppinen
12:00 20m Welcome to the 8thFRUCT conference and Greetings
12:20 20m FRUCT Program Description, Status and Future Perspectives, Sergey Balandin, FRUCT General Chair
12:40 20m FRUCT Web Working Group report, Anton Sergeev, FRUCT Web WG secretary, Russia
13:00 45m Keynote lecture: Trends in Mobile SW Development, Sami Pesonen, Digia, Finland
13:45 15m Monitoring of mobile devices energy consumption & Contest rules, Gerard Bosch, NRC, Finland
14:00 15m Coffee-break
Session: Smart Spaces & Smart-M3 platform
Room: 4409-10

Chairman: Kirill Krinkin
14:15 30m Invited talk: Cyber foraging, J. Porras, LUT, Finland
14:45 45m Smart-M3 Open Source, J. Honkola, NRC, Finland
15:30 45m A Smart-M3 lab course: approach and design style to support student projects, L. Roffia, A. D'Elia, F. Vergari, D. Manzaroli, S. Bartolini, G. Zamagni, T. S. Cinotti, J. Honkola, University of Bologna/NRC, Italy/Finland
16:15 15m Smart Space-Driven Sustainable Logistics: Ontology and Major Components, A. Smirnov, A. Kashevnik, N. Shilov, H. Paloheimo, H. Waris, S. Balandin, SPIIRAS/NRC, Russia/Finland
16:30 15m Mobile Multi-Blogging in Smart-M3: Architecture and Scenarios, D. Zaiceva, I. Galov, A. Sannikov, A. Mezhenin, D. Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
16:45 15m M3-Weather: A Smart-M3 World-Weather Application for Mobile Users, A. Samoryadova, I. Galov, P. Borovinskiy, K. Kulakov, D. Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
17:00 15m SmartSlog 0.3x: New Ontology Library API and Optimization, D. Korzun, A. Lomov, P. Vanag, PetrSU, Russia
17:15 15m Innovation for the Future Internet, J. Noll, CWI, Norway
17:30   Closing of Day 1


November 11 (Thursday)

Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta

08:45 15m Registration and Day Agenda
09:00 30m Invited talk: Open Innovations, Marko Torkkeli, LUT, Finland (room 2310)
Session: MAEMO/MeeGo solutions for Social networking
Room: 4409-10

Chairman: Jukka Honkola
Session: Network technologies I
Room: 4504

Chairman: Villy Bæk Iversen
09:30 15m Russian MeeGo community, T. Turenko, Nokia Ultra-high throughput converged optical wireless links: challenges and opportunities, K. Prince, X. Yu, DTU Fotonik, Denmark
09:45 15m Libraries for VKontakte and Facebook Clients: API-based approach, S. Zakharov, P. Shiryaev, K. Kulakov, PetrSU, Russia
10:00 15m Maemo-Freemantle Plugins for VKontakte Network and address book, I. Burlak, S. Zaharov, K. Ivashov, V. Dimitrov, K. Kulakov, PetrSU, Russia
10:15 15m Telepaty Connection Manager based on libvkontakte library, K. Ivashov, V. Dimitrov, PetrSU, Russia Client Cooperation Technique Evaluation for Modern Broadband Wireless Networks, S. Andreev, O. Galinina, A. Turlikov, TUT/Speech Technology Center/ SPbSUAI, Finland/Russia
10:30 15m QMF Plugins for VKontakte and Facebook Networks, P. Shiryaev, K. Kulakov, PetrSU, Russia Latency Measurement Testbed for Wireless Sensor Networks, S. Lembo, Aalto University, Finland
10:45 15m Video capturing service with social networks functionality for MeeGo, M. Smirnov, S. Ivanov, NNSU, Russia Comparative Analysis of Equalization Methods for SC-FDMA, A. Dogadaev, A. Kozlov, A. Ukhanova, SPbSUAI/DTU Fotonik, Russia/Denmark
11:00 15m Coffee-break
Session: MAEMO/MeeGo solutions
Room: 4409-10

Chairman: Timofey Turenko
Session: Network technologies II
Room: 4504

Chairman: Kamau Prince
11:15 15m Test driven approach for porting software to mobile platforms, P. Zubarev, M. Zaslavsky, SPbETU, Russia Performance modelling of wireless cellular networks, V.B. Iversen, DTU Fotonik, Denmark
11:30 15m Multi-Blogging with Scribo 0.3x, A. Sannikov, D. Zaiceva, A. Mezhenin, D. Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
11:45 15m OpenCV performance on MAEMO/MeeGo, I. Mironov, D. Ilina, NNSU, Russia
12:00 15m Maemo/MeeGo Games with Accelerometer-based Control, K. Kirpichenok, V. Dmitriev, A. Sotnikov, V. Dimitrov, PetrSU, Russia Simulation of 3G/WLAN Offload: First Steps, N. Amelichev, K. Krinkin, SPbETU, Russia
12:15 15m Mobile Context Toolbox An Extensible Context Framework for the Maemo Platform, A. Stopczynski, J. E. Larsen, L. Skomial, DTU Informatics, Denmark Analytical model of WiMAX cell in AMC environment, T. Efimushkina, TUT, Finland
12:30 15m SOA-oriented approach and full distributed approach comparison, E. Kaina, Y. Korolev, SPbETU, Russia Lunch
12:45 15m Investigating Simple Task-Performance Behavior, S. Kalwar, K. Heikkinen, J. Porras, LUT, Finland
13:00 1h Lunch
Session: New Trends in Services
Room: 2310

Chairman: Antti Knutas
Session: Mobile Multimedia & Video
Room: 4504

Chairman: Roman Dunaytsev
13:30 30m Lunch Spline-based image interpolators and decimators: design and efficient implementation, K. Egiazarian, A. Gotchev, TUT, Finland
14:00 15m Implementing Embedded Web Interaction System for Conferences, A. Knutas, LUT, Finland
14:15 15m Expert control system of convenience of User Interface, D. Ilina, M. Smirnov, I. Lysenkov, NNSU/HSE, Russia Quality Estimation for Scalable Video Coding, A. Ukhanova, K. Mazhar, DTU Fotonik/KTH, Denmark/Sweden
14:30 15m Measuring the Feelings of Users to Reduce Internet anxiety, S. Kalwar, K. Heikkinen, J. Porras, LUT, Finland Video coding based on three-dimensional discrete pseudo cosine transform, E. Belyaev, SPIIRAS, Russia
14:45 15m Scheduling home appliances for energy efficient buildings, A. Rossello-busquet, G. Kardaras, V.B. Iversen, J. Soler, L. Dittmann, DTU Fotonik, Denmark Video transmission in broadband optical-wireless links, A. Lebedev, A. Ukhanova, T.T. Pham, N.G. Gonzalez, DTU Fotonik, Denmark
15:00 15m Aspects of a messages-bus based communications framework in multi-modal and multi-device environment to support independent living of elder people, P. Heinilä, LUT, Finland Increasing the information capacity of digital images in telecommunication systems, N. Voloshina, S. Bezzateev, V. Minchenkov, SPbSUAI, Russia
15:15 15m Knowledge management system for the Saint-Petersburg Museum of Optics, D. Mouromtsev, Y. Katkov, I. Pochinok, A. Zlobin, J. Valcenko, SPbSU ITMO/SPbETU, Russia Power consumption issues for wireless video transmission, A. Ukhanova, DTU Fotonik, Denmark
15:30 15m Coffee-break
Session: Publishing Research Results
Room: 2310

Chairman: Arto Kaarna
Session: Network Technologies III
Room: 4504

Chairman: Karen Egiazarian
Platform security training
Room 6325

Trainer: Jan-Erik Ekberg
15:45 45m Publishing Research Results: The Research Process, A. Kaarna, LUT, Finland Traffic optimization techniques for P2P systems, R. Dunaytsev, TUT, Finland
16:30 45m Publishing Research Results: The Writing Process, P. Jones, LUT, Finland Power consumption profile of N900 in video streaming application, A. Pyattaev, TUT, Finland
Performance Evaluation of Packet Re-ordering on Concurrent Multipath Transmissions for IPTV, G. Mansour, SPbSUT, Russia
17:15   Closing of Day 2
17:15 45m Smart Spaces Work Group face-to-face meeting (Room 2310) Maemo/MeeGo Work Group face-to-face kick-off meeting (Room 4504)
18:00 3h Social event


November 12 (Friday)

Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta

09:00 15m Registration and Day Agenda
Session: Security
Room: 4409-10 

Chairman: Alexey Dudkov
09:15 1h Hardware platform security and ObC, J.-E. Ekberg, Nokia, Finland
10:15 15m Enforcing Privacy Policies in Mobile Context-Aware Services, W. Oyomno, P. Jäppinen, E. Kerttula, LUT, Finland
10:30 45m Maemo/Meego platform security, J.-E. Ekberg, Nokia, Finland
11:15 15m On The Security Of Online Banking, A. Sergeev, V. Minchenkov, SPbSUAI, Russia
11:30 1h Lunch
Session: Embedded Networksand Solutions
Room: 2310
Chairman: Sergey Balandin
12:30 15m RMAP and STP protocols modelling over the SpaceWire SystemC model, V. Olenev, I. Korobkov, N. Martynov, A. Shadursky, SPbSUAI, Russia
12:45 15m CCSDS Packet Transfer Protocol for space applications, A. Dmitrov, SPbSUAI, Russia
13:00 15m SystemC/SDL co-modelling: the protocol SDL models Tester, V. Olenev, A. Stepanov, I. Lavrovskaya, SPbSUAI, Russia
13:15 15m Embedded Operating Systems for Microprocessor Architecture MIPS32, S. Osmolovsky, SPbSUAI, Russia
13:30 15m Methods for real-time data delivery with SpaceWire, D. Raszhivin, SPbSUAI, Russia
13:45 15m An End-to-End flow control mechanism for improvement data delivery reliability in SpaceWire, A. Abramov, SPbSUAI, Russia
14:00 30m Coffee-break
Session: Mobile Software & Services
Room: 2310
Chairman: Jari Porras
14:30 15m HiveMind: Cross-platform Application for Collaborative Mind Mapping, A. Vasilev, A. Golovchenko, A. Kulikov, I. Paramonov, Yaroslavl SU, Russia
14:45 15m Development of interactive applications with multimodal interfaces for mobile devices, S. Glazkov, SPIIRAS, Russia
15:00 15m Comparison of Modern Mobile Platforms from the Developer Standpoint, R. Dorokhova, N. Amelichev, SPbETU, Russia
15:15 15m Location-based Services in Public Buildings: LIST for N900, G. Serebryakov, D. Bespalov, I. Mironov, B. Vasilev, S. Sosnin, NNSU, Russia
15:30 15m Web-system for Mobile Meeting Participant Support, A. Ronzhin, M. Prischepa, V. Budkov, SPIIRAS, Russia
15:45 15m Mobile sport motion capture system, A. Kuznetsov, SPbSU ITMO, Russia
16:00 15m Musical Engineering in JamMo, M. Gynther, H. Hedberg, LUT/University of Oulu, Finland
16:15 15m Synchronization of personal information between mobile devices and web-based services, B. Clair, LUT, Finland
16:30 15m Implementation of UMSIC Group Management Service, J. Laakkonen, T. Kallonen, K. Heikkinen, LUT, Finland
16:45 15m A Communication Middleware Quality Enhancement with Qt Framework, K. Kolehmainen, LUT, Finland
17:00   Official closing of 8th FRUCT conference