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Enhancing entrepreneurship activities through cross-KIC exchange: fourth EIT Entrepreneurship Workshop

On 17 May 2011, the EIT Headquarters in Budapest hosted its fourth joint EIT/KIC Entrepreneurship Workshop. This meeting brought together representatives from each of the three Knowledge Innovation Communities (KICs), the European Commission as well as the EIT Governing Board and headquarters with the aim of discussing and furthering the practical implementation of the EIT Entrepreneurship Agenda.

Previous workshops held in September and December 2010 and February 2011 had provided a forum to discuss common strategic priorities in the field of entrepreneurship and new innovation models as well as the tools which may serve to implement them. Building on those workshops, the KICs have since been able to transform the identified objectives into concrete models and initiatives supporting the creation of new as well as the acceleration of existing businesses in their specific sectors.

The fourth Entrepreneurship Workshop consequently provided an opportunity for each KIC to share evidence from its own experience as well as case stories from the Co-Location Centres. These discussions will serve to pave the way for the establishment of best practices and common parameters in applying the high-level strategies in practice.