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EIT Presentation to the Informal Competitiveness Council Meeting

Prof. Alexander von Gabain, Member of the EIT Governing Board, presented the EIT’s vision for its future to the EU Member States’ Research Ministers meeting as Informal Competitive Council hosted by the Hungarian Presidency in Gödöllő on 12 April 2011. Chaired by Minister of State Prof. Zóltan Cséfalvay and in presence of European Commissioner for Research and Innovation Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, the EIT revealed key elements of its Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA). The SIA will be presented to the European Commission in June 2011. It will outline the EIT’s long term priority fields for future initiatives for the period of 2014-2020 including new Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).


1. Informal Competitiveness Council (European Commission Press Release)

2.  Green Paper on a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding

3. SIA Conference