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Students - We need your help again!

Foundation Course for international students at Roskilde University: Introduction to RUC: Campus, study form and language; from January 20 - January 29, 2014.

50 new international students begin their study with a 2 week Foundation Course in January 2014. In order to support and integrate them at RUC, we seek students, both Danish and International, who would like to help and share their experiences with the new international students. During the course the new students will be introduced to problem-oriented project work and it is in particular for that we need help. But we also need help to show the new students around campus and other social tasks as fx the Danish Lunch.

The project introduction will last 3 days from January 27 - 29 and will be completed on the 29 with a Danish lunch made and served by teachers and new students together.

We cannot offer you any payment for your effort, but we will cover the costs for transportation, lunch and drinks when we have meetings at RUC - and of course you will get the traditional Danish lunch. If you need a reference, this is also possible.

Interested students can contact: Susanne Hvidtfeldt, LICS by mail: or course assistant and representative from International Club: Ziyad Zaman Ahmed:

Best regards
Susanne Hvidtfeldt and Ziyad Ahmed