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Mentor me!

Did you know that RU receives 150 exchange students every semester?

This year they will be arriving starting January onwards. Become a mentor for one of them!

As a mentor you get to welcome one or two of the new exchange and/or international full degree students for Spring 2014, show them around campus, give them an introduction to what it means to be a student at RUC, and the possibilities it has to offer.

There is no manual, no right or wrong nor too little or too much when it comes to what you can do with your mentee. Only your mind is the limit.

Introduce them to the Friday Bar, show them around in Copenhagen, or whatever you find important, and what you would have wanted to see yourself if you were in Denmark and at RUC for the first time.

Mentors and Mentees are arranged in groups to make it more fun and sociable. To help the process we also ask all mentors to make time for the following during the semester-

- Airport Pick-Up
- Dinner
- Tour of Copenhagen/Roskilde

Part of the perks of being a mentor is expanding your global network while refining that broken Spanish/German/French you haven't had a chance to use since high school or your gap year abroad.

Mentors also get a certification from the university for their selfless contribution, which you could proudly show to your employer or the next educational institution you might be joining. And, of course, let's not forget the friends one can make.

If you are interested, just write to us at or for more information.
View our slideshow to see more about what a mentor can offer to their mentee >

Sign up to be a mentee straight away >

Mentor Me Team
Roskilde University