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Status Report 2013 for the unit UniPæd, LICS and Ait

The status for 2013 is:

* In 2013 we had about 450 enrolments and nearly as many course participants.

* We have completed about 40 courses in 2013, including the assistant professor teacher training programme (APP) twice, with very many course participants each time. At the end of their training, all assistant professors were equipped with a useful portfolio.

* We have created a magazine - electronically - which has been published in two editions. Number three will be released in the course of the coming week. Number four will probably be published in early summer, entitled "Entrepreneurship and Innovation".

* We have been the driving force in the implementation of "Moodle".

* We have implemented a number - more than 30 - certifications in English.

* We have been the driving force in the development of a Head of Studies training programme, which generally receives praise from the individual institutes.

* We contribute to quality assurance in the individual departments.

* We introduce the students to the project work on: Sam.Bach. and Hum.Bach.

* We get out a little more to the individual institutes and support the pedagogical development.

* We are part of a working group, which is creating a game that can be used to improve cooperation and learning in the project teams at RUC.

* We are participating in a project that aims to improve the group formation processes at Sam.Bach., so that the new requirements can be handled in the best possible manner, but it should also make group formation into a qualifying learning experience that can market RUC's educational concept in this field also.

* We collaborate with the management at RUC on a number of issues, and we participate in some UL meetings and very often in the meetings of the Heads of Studies.