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After-work dance on Wednesday, 22 January

On Wednesday 22 January we will try something new at RU: After-work dancing.

We will meet at 16:15 in building 30K.0.01, where Kenneth and Annette, who have both been dancing for 25 years, will teach us to dance the five figures of Les Lanciers.

You will visit Les Dorset, La Victoria, Les Moulinets, Les Visites and Les Lancers. You may have danced Lanciers before, in which case you can have a fun refresher and exercise your dancing legs. It may also be that you've never tried it before, and this will be your chance to learn.

We will finish at 18:00. The Personnel Association will provide refreshments during the event and a glass of wine when we finish.
Remember to bring a change of shoes!

The event is free for everyone.
Members can participate free. Non-members must pay DKK 20 on arrival.