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Scientific Grand Prize

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Scientific Grand Prize


Lefoulon-Delalande Foundation

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The Grand Prize (500.000 EUR) will be given each year to a scientist who has made important contributions to cardiovascular physiology, biology, or medicine. Taken in the widest sense, these fields also include developmental biology, genetics, epidemiology, physiology, as well as clinical biology, imaging techniques, therapeutics, and the pharmacology of the cardiovascular system.


Nomination form must be presented in both French and English. The dossier must be e-mailed as one continuous pdf file to fondations(at), and sent by post at the following address: Institut de France, Bureau des Fondations, Président du Conseil Scientifique de la Fondation Lefoulon-Delalande, 23 quai de Conti, 75270 PARIS Cedex 06, France.

More information at:

Call opens: 
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Monday, January 25, 2016