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Balzan Prizes

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Balzan Prizes


International Balzan Foundation

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The Balzan Prizes are awarded annually to four scholars, scientists or artists who are distinguished in their fields on an international level. The winners must destine half of the prize to finance research projects that are preferably carried out by young scholars or scientists. 2016 Themes:

- Comparative Literature

- International Relations: History and Theory

- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, including neurodegenerative and developmental aspects

- Applied Photonics


Nominations can be submitted by universities, research institutes and academies worldwide. Self-nominations are not accepted. Further information on website: Contact: International Balzan Foundation “Prize”, P.tta Umberto Giordano 4, 20122 Milan, Italy, tel: +39 02 7600 2212, fax: +39 02 7600 9457, e-mail: balzan(at)

Call opens: 
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Tuesday, March 15, 2016