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Scholarship Awards

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Scholarship Awards


Fondazione Lemmermann

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Scholarships (750 EUR/month) in the classical studies and humanities to master's and doctoral students. Applicants must provide evidence for their need to study and carry out research in Rome. Topic of research must be related to Rome or the Roman culture of any period, from the Pre-Roman period to the present day time. Applicants should be enrolled in a recognized University program, have a basic knowledge of the Italian language and be born after 15 March 1980.


Application information is available at: Candidates must apply on-line and post their documents to: Fondazione Lemmermann, c/o Studio Associato Romanelli, via Cosseria 5, 00192 Roma, Italia. For further information contact: tel: +39 06 321 1746, fax: +39 06 322 17 88, e-mail: lemmermann(at)

Call opens: 
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Tuesday, March 15, 2016