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Translation Awards

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Translation Awards


Wellcome Trust

Rahoittajan kotisivut:

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The aim of Translation Awards is to develop innovative and ground breaking new technologies in the biomedical area, and to accelerate product development. Projects must address an unmet need in healthcare or in applied medical research, offer a potential new solution, and have a realistic expectation that the innovation will be developed further by the market. Further information at:


Concept note deadline is15 April 2016 and preliminary application deadline 13 June 2016. All applications must be received by 17.00 GMT on the deadline date.

A concept note should be sent to innovations(at) If a decision is made to invite a preliminary application the applicant(s) will be sent a link to an application form.


E-mail: innovations(at)

Call opens: 
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Friday, April 15, 2016