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Personal Visiting Research Grant
Rahoitushaun nimi:
Personal Visiting Research Grant
Rahoittajan kotisivut:
Hakuajan aloituspäivämäärä:
Ei ilmoitettu
Hakuajan päättymispäivämäärä:
Grants to help strengthen Norwegian research groups by offering visiting foreign researchers (post-doctorate level or higher) the opportunity to perform research in Norway. Stays for visiting foreign researchers from one to 12 months may be covered.
The Project Owner (formal applicant) must be a Norwegian institution, and must supply the name of the designated project administrator. The project manager should have completed a doctoral degree or have corresponding qualifications.
Mandatory attachments: Project description and CVs with publication lists.
More information:
Tel: +47 2203 7000, e-mail: post(at)