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Pilot Research Grants
Rahoitushaun nimi:
Pilot Research Grants
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Rahoittajan kotisivut:
Hakuajan aloituspäivämäärä:
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Hakuajan päättymispäivämäärä:
High-risk pilot grants to quickly test novel ideas. Funding (max. 40.000 USD) is provided for one year to test innovative, cutting-edge ideas or untested methods, and to gather sufficient preliminary data to apply for longer-term funding. Researchers who have completed their post-doctoral training are invited to apply.
The Society supports fundamental as well as applied studies, non-clinical or clinical in nature, including projects in patient management, care and rehabilitation.
Online application and more information:
Claude Schofield, e-mail: claude.schofield(at)