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24th FRUCT: SPARQL Event Processing Architecture training


SPARQL Event Processing Architecture (SEPA) training

We welcome you to take part in two days training on SPARQL Event Processing Architecture training that will be held on April 9-10, 2019, address: Aviamotornaya St 8, Building 39, Moscow, Congress Center of MTUCI. The training is free of charge for conference participants. If you are interested to take part in it please us know by filling short registration form in the bottom of the page. The training will be given by experts of ARCES center, University of Bologna. Training language is English. You can download the training leaflet.

Participants are introduced to the SPARQL Event Processing Architecture (SEPA) as enabling technology for the development of distributed and context-aware Dynamic Linked Data applications. SEPA is a publish-subscribe architecture designed to support information level interoperability. The architecture is built on top of a generic SPARQL endpoint where publishers and subscribers use standard SPARQL Updates and Queries. Notifications about events (i.e., changes in the RDF knowledge base) are expressed in terms of added and removed SPARQL binding results since the previous notification. For more information please refer the project web site: and the GitHub repository:

Training Participants are suggested to bring their own laptops on the second day of the training so that they can directly experiment in the class. This part of the training will be very practical with hands-on-code.

Requirements for the initial level of knowledge: at least a basic knowledge of RDF and SPARQL is required. We specifically recommend to attend the training to peoples that have experience with SMART-M3 platform.


Training program

9 April 2019 (Tuesday)

15:00 - 45m - Dynamic Linked Data and IoT – from Linked Data to the Web of Things, by Luca Roffia

15:45 - 5m - Break

15:50 - 45m - Linked Open Sensor Data - from MQTT raw sensor data to interoperable, by Luca Roffia

16:35 - 20m - Coffee break

16:55 - 45m - Protocols and architecture – a deep insight into the SEPA broker and the SPARQL 1.1 Secure Event protocol (an extension of the SPARQL 1.1 protocol), by Luca Roffia

17:40 - 5m - Break

17:45 - 45m - Extensions – NGSI-LD & Linked Data Notifications, by Luca Roffia

18:30 - 30m - Q&A session end of the first day of the training


10 April 2019 (Wednesday)

09:15 - 45m - Setup – all you needed to play with (and contribute to) SEPA, by Francesco Antoniazzi

10:00 - 5m - Break

10:05 - 45m - Tools – from the SEPA dashboard + JSAP (JSON SPARQL Application, by Fabio Viola

10:50 - 20m - Coffee break

11:10 - 45m - APIs – explained by examples covering Java, JavaScript, Python and C languages with emphasis on security, by Fabio Viola

11:55 - 5m - Break

12:00 - 45m - Cocktail – enabling Web of Things discovery and interaction, by Francesco Antoniazzi

12:45 - 15m - Q&A session, end of the training



Here you can find the slides presented during the training day, which includes all the references you need to get more familiar and hopefully contribute to SEPA.


Thanks to all of you who attended the training.
