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AMICT 2011 workshop

The Annual International Workshop on Advances in Methods of Information and Communication Technology (AMICT 2011) will be held in Petrozavodsk (Russia) on April 27-29, 2011. In this year the Workshop is co-located with the 9th Conference of Open Innovations Framework Program FRUCT. The workshop organizers are Petrozavodsk State University, University of Helsinki and FRUCT. AMICT 2011 covers various ICT areas that include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Information technology,
  • Network communication,
  • Information systems,
  • Theoretical and applied computer science,
  • Algorithms and Modeling.

Talks include presentations of particular systems, experiments, theoretical research, as well as more general, philosophical/educational/methodological presentations. We are especially interested in discussions related to ICT education and research, including issues of “Cross-border education in ICT” and “Cooperation between universities and industry”.

This workshop is a result of the long-term cooperation between the computer science departments of the universities of Helsinki and Petrozavodsk (UH and PetrSU). Its roots come to 1993, when Dr. Iurii Bogoiavlenskii visited the Department of Computer Science of UH. In the response of this visit, PetrSU invited Dr. Timo Alanko to read an intensive lecture course on “Performance analysis” to the PetrSU CS students.

Since 1994 the workshop had had the name “Finnish Data Processing week (FDPW) at the University of Petrozavodsk” being mainly intended as a “guest lecturers' week” with the goal to give some advanced elective courses to the PetrSU CS students. In 1997, the FDPW concept undertook a revision and it was transformed into an international scientific seminar, devoted to presentations and discussions on work in progress and results achieved in research and development within the distributed systems and data communications areas.

The next transformation was done in 2006, when the seminar topic area and the spectrum of participants became so wide that the name FDPW cannot reflect adequately the essence of the event. Since that time, FDPW was renamed to AMICT, the Annual International Workshop on Advances in Methods of Information and Communication Technology.

Programs of the previous seminars can be found at Since 1997, UH and PetrSU publish the seminar proceedings, 11 volumes have been published.

AMICT 2011 workshop has a separate session co-located with 9th Conference of Open Innovations Community FRUCT, see the program at

Please send your proposals and comments to Dr. Dmitry Korzun.