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Mobile Linux, OSS and Maemo/MeeGo Systems

Maemo Share Plugin for social network VKontakte


Sharing-plugin-mysocials-vkontakte is a plugin for sharing manager. It adds new VKontakte field to Maemo sharing accounts. Plugin allows to send images to VKontakte social network via API.

It works similar to the Facebook sharing plugin.

Usage & Screenshots

After plugin installation user can add VKontakte account into Sharing accounts. The Setup requires login (e-mail or id) and password. If you don't have an account you can register using button "Register new account" on official site.

OpenCV Performance on MAEMO


OpenCV is an open source effective image processing library. This library expends image and video processing capabilities of Maemo platform and can be used by various applications that process embedded cameras images and videos as well as any other images/videos.. The target of this project is analyzing the possibility of using OpenCV library with MAEMO devices and creating user application that use OpenCV.

Motivation and summary
