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Congratulation to the winner of innovative projects "Smart City"

Congratulations to Kirill Aleksandrov (member of St-Petersburg FRUCT lab) - the winner of St-Petersburg city contest for the most innovative project "Smart City" ( This is an important achievement for him personally and for FRUCT community and we wish to Kirill success in all future projects (! 

PhD position in University of Oulu

University of Oulu PhD student needed in the field of nanoscale wireless sensor networks. Possible research topics include sensing, wireless communication (PHY), and networking aspects (MAC) aspects of nanonetworks.

Requirements: It is not too much important what you have studied before. The most important is motivation and strong research skills (both in analysis/theory and in simulation).

Call for Participation in the next round of International Master's programme on Security and Mobile Computing at Aalto University

Aalto university arrange a two year International Master's programme on Security and Mobile Computing NordSecMob program is your unique chance to get double M.Sc. diploma from two leading universties of Europe. Also in this programme students have an opportnity to achieve high tax free scholarships of 1'000 euros per month.

Take part in open international Internet & Mobile startup contest Web Ready 2012

We welcome you to take part in open international Internet & Mobile startup contest Web Ready 2012. By taking part in the contest you get a chance to win main prize of 1'500'000 rubles, plus by participanting you will get great experience and make your solution better known. Proposals submission deadline is October 14, 2012. More details and information about the contest you can be found here.

The 8th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia/CEE-SECR 2012


This year the conference will bring together programmers, analysts, researchers, entrepreneurs and IT-managers on November 1–2 in Moscow. Specialists from more than 20 countries will gather to attend lectures, share their own experience and network with colleagues.

Non-Member State Postdoc Fellowship Programme (Theoretical Physics)

Are you a young university graduate in Theoretical Physics from a Non-Member State looking for a postdoc opportunity for one or two years? In which case, you may be interested in CERN’s Non-Member State Fellowship Programme in Theoretical Physics.

Please read important information about the deadline for this application which is 7 December 2012
