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Вторая конференция Maemo: общая информация


Information in English

Welcome to the information page about second MAEMO conference. Please note that the training and most of the presentations at the conference will be in Russian; however, we do welcome you to give your lecture or presentation in English.

Should you have any questions or comments please address them to info<at>

Обновления странички

Отзывы участников конференции и тренинга:

Доступна новая схема прохода к месту проведения конференции.

В связи с большим количеством зарегистрировавшихся нам пришлось изменить место проведения 2ой MAEMO конференции. Новое место более вместительно и удобнее расположено для людей, добирающихся общественным транспортом. Новое место проведения: конференц-зал медицинского центра МГУ, Ломоносовский пр. 27, Москва (карта).
Время проведения остается прежним - с 09.30 до 19.00.

Обращаем ваше внимание, что тренинг начинается в 9:30; при необходимости помощи с установкой виртуальной машины рекомендуем подойти к 9:00.

Следите за новостями FRUCT и второй конференции MAEMO по Twitter!

Обновлена программа конференции.

Для участников MAEMO тренинга добавлена секция Практическая информация для участников.

Опубликована предварительная программа конференции.

Определено место проведения тренинга и конференции. Тренинг будет проходить в научно-исследовательском вычислительном центре МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, Ленинские горы, дом 1 строение 4 НИВЦ МГУ. Конференция будет проходить на факультете фундаментальной медицины МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, Ломоносовский пр. 31/5, конференц-зал 501 (5 этаж).

Maemo тренинг на текущий момент полностью заполнен и регистрация на него закрыта, но мы приглашаем Вас регистрироваться на MAEMO конференцию, которая будет проходить 25 марта в Москве.

Открыт форум обсуждения конференции.

Приглашаем вас принять участие во второй международной открытой конференции посвященной развитию Maemo, платформы с открытым кодом для мобильных устройств. Конференция проводится 25 марта 2010 года в городе Москва, МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова.

Конференция будет предворяться тренингом по Maemo, который будет проходить 23-24 марта.

Спонсоры и партнёры конференции


Qt winter school 2010

February 8-13, 2010

The school is for senior students who know C, C++ and development tools on Linux. The main purpose of the school is to give the conseption about Qt as a development tool for programming on platforms Maemo v5., v.6.
Organizers School: FRUCT, IT-park of Petrozavodsk State University, PetrSU department of Computer Science.
Lecturer: Krinkin Kirill, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", Open Source & Linux Lab.

Summer schools


University of Koblenz, Germany

23-28 August 2009, Koblenz, Germany

Application deadline: 15 May 2009 (Friday)

Cost: The tuition fee for each student is 350 EUR.

16th International ECSE Summer School in Novel Computing

Joensuu, Finland

8-10 June 2009
Jean-Luc LeBrun: Scientific Writing Skills
Registration deadline: May 20, 2009

10-14 August 10-14 -- two parallel courses:
Douglas A. Reynolds (MIT Lincoln Lab): "Speaker and Language Recognition"

Paul De Bra (Eindhoven Univ Technology): "Platforms for Stories-Based Learning in Future Schools"
Early registration deadline: June 15, 2009

Summer School on Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning in Tampere

Tampere, Finland

June 22-26, 2009

Application deadline: May 15, 2009

Registration fee is 150 EUR

The 18th International Summer School on Telecommunications

Lappeenranta, Finland

August 20-22, 2009

Trilogy Future Internet Summer School

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

August 24-28, 2009

3rd Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval

Petrozavodsk, Russia

September 11-16, 2009

The 3rd Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards Competition

Call for Participation in the 3rd Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards Competition

Call to participate in the 3rd Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards Competition
September 30th – October 2nd, 2009, Tampere, Finland
Competition deadline: August 7th
Award Sum: 7.000 Euros

The purpose of the competition is to encourage makers of digital media to generate ideas and develop new and innovative Ubimedia products & services. The entries are expected to take a stand on the following questions, for example:

How does ubiquitous computing affect media environments?

  • What are intelligent media environments like?
  • What will the location- and context-aware media services of the future be like?

A few other examples are:

  • Pervasive and ubiquitous games
  • Ambient installations
  • Artistic works related to ubiquitous media and computation
  • Business models
  • Ambient and ubiquitous media technology
  • Ubiquitous and ambient media services, devices, and environments
  • Context aware, sensing, and interfaces for ubiquitous computation
  • Ergonomics, human-computer interaction designs, and product prototypes
  • Software, hardware and middleware framework demonstrations
  • Ambient television
  • etc.

The total award sum for the Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award is 7 000 Euros.

The sum can be awarded to one entry, divided between several entries or not awarded at all if the award criteria set by the jury are not fulfilled.

All Ubimedia, ubiquitous, pervasive, or ambient products or product and service concepts which have been finalized during the previous year after 1st January 2008 are eligible to take part in the competition.
Competition deadline is August 7th
How to participate?
Please check out the website for entry forms and actual information.

In case of questions, please contact:

Rules of the Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards

1. Organizers

The Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award is a category of the 2009 MindTrek competition. The category is organized collaboratively by MindTrek, Tampere Region Centre of Expertise in Ubiquitous Computing, New Ambient Multimedia Group (NAMU)/Tampere University of Technology, the TAMK University of Applied Sciences, and Nokia. The award is funded by Nokia and the Tampere Region Centre of Expertise in Ubiquitous Computing.

2. Products qualifying for participation

All Ubimedia products or product and service concepts which have been finalized during the previous year after 1st January 2008 are eligible to take part in the competition.

An example of a suitable competition entry is a finished product, product pilot or demo. No drafts or mere ideas without relevant documentation will be accepted.

The competition rules do not place limitations on the technology used in the products.

The jury has the right to reject the participation of an entry if it does not fulfil the participation criteria. All jury decisions are final.

3. Entry Submissions

For completing a successful submission, the following information is required from your side:

  • Filled application form;
  • Video documenting the submission (approx. 3-5 minutes, also longer will be accepted);
  • Documentation of the concept;

A demonstration, production, pilot, or demo is eligible to be submitted to the competition. Each entry should be in form of a video documenting the submission (approx. 3-5 minutes, however also longer videos will be accepted). The video should clearly indicate how the demonstration, production pilot, or demonstration works and relates to ubiquitous media.

In addition to the video, a short English-language based description of the concept should be attached to the competition entry in form of e.g. sketches, images, power points, word documents, or implementations. The description should present the key characteristics and benefits of the product or service in a concise and marketing-oriented manner. 
In addition, also other materials supporting the jury in their decision (e.g. sketches, images, power points, word documents, implementations) can be attached to the competition entry.

However, the jury decision will primarily be based on the video submissions, and additional materials will be used in case of further questions. We welcome also links to project homepages, but the jury decision can only base the decision on submitted materials.

4. Participation

Registration for the competition ends on 7th August 2009 at 15:00 (+2 GMT).

If the competition entry is delivered to MindTrek via mail, it must arrive at the MindTrek Association’s office in three (3) copies no later than 7.8.2009 at 15:00 (+2 GMT). If the competition entry is implemented on the internet, its web address must be submitted to MindTrek when registering within the deadline. Late entries will not be accepted.

In addition to submitting the competition entry, participation requires registration using the registration form at the MindTrek website.

All submissions must be in English.

Originals sent to the competition will not be returned, so you should keep a copy for your own use. Post and packaging costs are the responsibility of the entrant.

5. Award

The total award sum for the Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek competition category is EUR 7,000. The sum can be awarded to one entry, divided between several entries or not awarded at all if the award criteria set by the jury are not fulfilled.

6. Immaterial property rights

The immaterial property rights related to the competition works remain the property of the competitors. The entrants are responsible for ensuring that they have full copyrights to their competition entries and the right to use the works and their elements when participating in the competition.

The material submitted to the award programme remains the property of the author and may not be modified, changed in any way or used in whole or in part for the production of any other work.

7. Evaluation of the entries and the jury

The participating works will be evaluated in the following areas:

  • Innovativeness
  • Commercial potential
  • Entertainment value and/or usefulness and/or artistic merit and creative implementation
  • The usability of interactive and context-aware functions and functions utilizing ubiquitous computing in some other manner
  • Feasibility (in terms of technology and production)
  • Visual implementation and technical functionality

Nokia, Tampere Region Centre of Expertise in Ubiquitous Computing and MindTrek will jointly assemble the jury for this competition category. The jury will comprise at least one member from Nokia, one member from MindTrek and one member from Tampere Region Centre of Expertise in Ubiquitous Computing, and have a minimum of four members in all. In addition to the actual jury, MindTrek’s preliminary jury will take part in the evaluation if required, by carrying out a 
preliminary elimination.

8. Reference rights

MindTrek has the right to use the competition entries and a mention of the entrants as references in its marketing communications.

MindTrek, Nokia and Tampere Region Centre of Expertise in Ubiquitous Computing have the right to disseminate information about the competition arrangements, competition entries, the awarding of the winners and other details related to the competition in their marketing and advertising, e.g. on the web and in brochures and newsletters.

The submitted works may be used by MindTrek without any restrictions or written permission in all presentations, TV broadcasting, CD/DVD productions, CD/DVD compilations and advertisements (internet, CD- ROM, TV, print).

MindTrek has the unlimited right to use the submitted material for distribution on DVDs and other media, especially the right to distribute the video material to labels and broadcasting companies.

9. Announcement of the results and presentation of the awards

The results of the competition category will be announced and the awards presented at the MindTrek Awards Ceremony. The winners will be announced at Hotel Rosendahl on 1.10.2009 at the MindTrek Awards Ceremony. Later there will be the Awards Party to honor the winners of the competitions.

Award nominees will be notified in advance. The presence of the nominees at the MindTrek event in October is strongly recommended.

All nominees are invited to give a half day workshop around the ideas of their nominated project with the students and tutors at Demola, 10. Compensation of the finalists’ travel and other expenses

MindTrek will pay travel and accommodation costs up to the sum of EUR 800 per team for a maximum of three invited finalists/teams flying from abroad in economy class. Any Finnish entrants among the finalists will not receive compensation for their travel costs.
However, MindTrek will pay for one conference ticket (includes entrance to the MindTrek Awards Party) and one entrance ticket to the MindTrek Awards Party for all finalist teams. MindTrek will not pay compensation for any other possible costs incurred by the entrants due to their participation in the competition.

Further Information
Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards Competition ubiaward (AT) Or in urgent matters the competition chairs:
Artur Lugmayr, artur.lugmayr (AT), Tel.: +358 40 821
0558 Cai Melakoski, cai.melakoski (AT), Tel.: +358 50
555 6581 Kirsi Lindfors, kirsi.lindfors (AT), Tel.:
+358 40 820 4608

Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards Jury 2009

Head Of Jury:

  • Bjoern Stockleben, RBB , DE

Competition Chairs:

  • Artur Lugmayr, NAMU group, Tampere Univ. of Technology
    (TUT), FI
  • Cai Melakoski, TAMK University of Applied
    Sciences, FI
  • Kirsi Lindfors, Hermia, FI

Jury Members (to be completed):

  • Petros Belimpasakis, Nokia, FI
  • Jonas Forth, Abo Academy, FI
  • Glen Gebhard, LMU, US
  • Michael Hausenblas, Johanneum Research, AT
  • Andreas Holzinger, MBCS Head Research Unit HCI4MED, Medical University Graz (MUG), AT
  • Juha Kaario, Nokia, FI
  • Mirette Kangas, YLE New Media, FI
  • Katri Lietsala Gemilo OY, FI
  • Timo Ojala, Universit of Oulu, FI
  • Daniel Salber,, NL
  • Susanne Sperring, Abo Academy, FI
  • Joelle Stemp, Yu Centrik, CA
  • Riku Suomela, Nokia, FI
  • Teija Vainio, TUT, FI
  • Robert Wierzbicki,, DE
  • Roger Zimmermann, National University of Singapore, SG
  • Demola students

About the MindTrek Conference

Conference Venue

MindTrek takes place at Hotel Scandic Rosendahl, in Tampere, Finland. The organizer of the conference has booked quota for the conference delegates from this hotel. Please, look for more information on accommodation and registration later from our website. Please note that the accommodation is not included in the participation fee. There is also other accommodation available in Tampere, ranging from modern first-class hotels to smaller traditional hotels and dormitories. If you select one of these options, you should make the reservations by yourself with that specific hotel.

MindTrek Conference in General Jukka Matikainen, +358 (0)40 5336 379, Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award 2009

Symbian Resources

Symbian Resourses web-page of Andreas Jakl and University of Appied Sciences in Hagenberg.

There are currently three Symbian books available free online, and more coming:

FRUCT in Russian

in English/по-английски

Задачами программы является установление личных контактов между академическими и индустриальными R&D группами Финляндии и России, улучшение взаимной информированности о текущих работах и потенциале, формирование совместных команд для решения амбициозных задач, повышение престижа исследовательской деятельности и вовлечение в нее студентов и аспирантов, улучшение узнаваемости созданных команд и их организаций в мире.

Программа базируется на образовательной и исследовательской компонентах. В исследовательской части формируются проекты, участие в которых принимают студенты и аспиранты ВУЗов участников программы, а их консультантами и научными руководителями выступают индустриальные эксперты и преподаватели любого из ВУЗов, чьи области компетенций и интересов наиболее соответствуют теме проекта. Подобная форма завязывания контактов через совместные студенческие проекты показала себя очень успешной и позволила достаточно быстро и эффективно выявить набор компетенций, в рамках которых развитие сотрудничества видится наиболее перспективным. Эти проекты чрезвычайно важны для самореализации студентов и аспирантов, желающих связать свою жизнь с исследовательской и научной деятельностью, так как предоставляют материальную базу, повышают ее престижность и дают уверенность в завтрашнем дне.

Новые проекты в программе могут быть инициированы как «сверху», когда профессор или индустриальный эксперт предлагает студентам тему исследований, так и «снизу», когда студент или аспирант сам может представить на рассмотрение экспертов FRUCT тему проекта, которым бы ему хотелось заниматься. При утверждении новых проектов предпочтение отдается амбиционным темам с большой научно-исследовательской составляющей и высокой степенью проектного риска, а также темам по разработке, при наличии интереса со стороны индустриальных экспертов и ориентации на новейшие платформы.

Целью проектов является способствование развитию соответствующих компетенций в университетах, знакомство «в деле» индустриальных и академических групп и инкубация тематик для дальнейшего научного и коммерческого сотрудничества. Все утвержденные проекты могут рассчитывать на поддержку материалами необходимыми для работы (книги, аппаратура и т.д.), и в особых случаях возможно выделение материальной поддержки вовлеченным студентам в виде стипендий и грантов. Продолжительность проектов не регламентирована. Рекомендуемая длительность проекта – 1 год, и каждые полгода текущие результаты и план работ на следующее полугодие должны докладываться на учебно-отчетных семинарах. Важно отметить, что Nokia не претендует на интеллектуальную собственность, полученную в рамках проекта, но по результатам каждого проекта должна быть опубликована как минимум одна статья на престижной международной конференции или в научном журнале соответствующего уровня. При принятии статьи к публикации на конференции для российских студентов и аспирантов университетская программа Nokia может предоставить грант на участие в конференции.

Базовым элементом образовательной части программы являются учебно-отчетные семинары, проводимые раз в полгода. Программа семинара формируется из приглашенных лекций по наиболее актуальным и интересным темам, а также отчетов рабочих групп о результатах проектов. В качестве приглашенных лекторов выступают ведущие специалисты академического сообщества обеих стран, а также эксперты корпорации Nokia и других компаний. Кроме того, в рамках семинара могут проводиться тренинги по современным технологиям, а также различные конкурсы для исследователей и разработчиков. Особое внимание организаторами уделяется построению социальной сети на базе участников проекта и соответственно программа семинаров строится с целью максимального удовлетворения данной задачи. Продолжительность семинаров 2-3 дня, а все представленные материалы публикуются в разделе Seminars. Рабочим языком программы является Английский.

CFP in Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Science

June 22-26th, 2010, Tomsk, Russia

The conference aims to organize a multidisciplinary forum for scientists exploring cognition and its evolution; intellect; thinking; perception; consciousness; knowledge representation and acquisition; language as a means of cognition and communication; brain mechanisms of cognition, emotion and higher forms of behavior. Psychologists, linguists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, philosophers, anthropologists, specialists in education, artificial intelligence, neuroinformatics and cognitive ergonomics, as well as other researchers interested in interdisciplinary research on cognition are invited to participate in the conference. The conference program will include lectures by leading experts in multidisciplinary cognitive studies. The names of the invited lecturers will be announced at the conference website

Organizers of the conference provide free accommodation at the hotels of Tomsk for the participants of the conference (free accommodation for 1 presenter of a poster or an oral presentation for the term of the conference). Deadline for abstract submission is January 22, 2010.

Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition Final Released

The Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition project has reached its final release. Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition will offer professional features and future proof framework for Maemo Eclipse Integration. In addition to the native C programming language Maemo Eclipse Integration fully supports both C++ and Python programming languages and Qt4 development in Maemo Diablo and Fremantle development environments. For more detailed information please visit this page.

