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The Future of Global eHealth - infographic created by the University of Illinois at Chicago Health Informatics and Health Information Management program

Access to affordable, effective health care continues to be a major concern for people around the world. But governments that adopt eHealth policies can find ways to use communication and technology advancements to help ensure more people receive better health care. We welcome you to check the infographic created by the University of Illinois at Chicago Health Informatics and Health Information Management program.

Publish you FRUCT photos in our Instagram channel

We welcome everybody to share your photos from FRUCT conferences in our Instagram channel When publishing photos just add the #fruct_community and #fruct_conference tags and your photos should become visible to all FRUCT participants. Let's make our photo-history together!

Call for Travel Awards applications by Sensors journal

We welcome you to take part in the call for Travel Awards applications sponsored by Sensors journal. This time Sensors journal offers 4 Travel Awards for postdoctoral fellows and PhD students to attend an international conference of their choice in 2019 (FRUCT24 and FRUCT25 are eligiable). The Awards will consist of 800 Swiss Francs each. Candidates’ Requirements:
– Must submit an abstract of their work
– Curriculum Vitae
– Justification letter
– Letter of support from their mentor

Photos from the 23rd FRUCT conference in Instagram

We welcome everybody to follow our Instagram account. Photos from the 23rd FRUCT conference are already published there and way more will be published in the coming days. If you want to share some of your photos from the conference please do it with appropriate tags. In case of any questions/comments please email to info<at>
