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International science MILLENNIUM YOUTH CAMP 2010

The first-ever international Millennium Youth Camp (MY Camp) will be organized in Helsinki 6-13 June 2010. This is the week when the Winner of the 2010 Millennium Technology Prize will be announced.

MY Camp is targeted at young people (16-19 years) from all parts of the world whose interests lie in mathematics, the natural sciences, information technology and other technologies. There will be 30 participants, 10 from Finland, and all the educational activities, travel, accommodation and food will be provided free of charge. Participants will be selected on the basis of individual applications using a two-stage process. The application period began on 9 October and the first stage will end on 30 November 2009. The names of the successful applicants will be announced by 15 March 2010.

The multi-faceted MY Camp programme is based on three fundamental pillars - science, technology and nature - and includes lectures, workshops, visits to companies and universities and time for enjoyable social activities. The main themes are Environmental Science and Technology (climate change, renewable natural resources, renewable energy, water), Information and Communication Technology and digitalisation, and Applied Mathematics. One of the high points in the programme will be the opportunity for MY Camp participants to attend the Millennium Technology Prize Award Ceremony, during which the winning innovation will receive an award of one million euros. Application forms and the preliminary programme are available at: