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Information about the seminar practicalities is available here.


November 3 (Tuesday)
Helsinki University of Technology, Otakaari 5, Espoo – Room L310
Qt hands-on training. Teacher: Tony Torp, TAMK University of Applied Sciences


08:45 15m Registration
09:00 45m Introduction to Qt, Architecture
09:45 45m Qt Application Framework Concepts
10:30 15m Coffee-break
10:45 45m Implementing Basic GUI Applications
11:30 45m Memory Management
12:15 45m Lunch
13:00 45m Signals and Slots
13:45 45m Strings
14:30 45m Qt Object model
15:15 15m Coffee-break
15:30 45m Creating GUIs with Qt Widgets and Layouts
16:15 45m Main Windows, Menus
17:00 15m Q&A session


November 4 (Wednesday)
Helsinki University of Technology, Otakaari 5, Espoo – Room L310
Qt hands-on training (continuation). Trainer: Tony Torp, TAMK University of Applied Sciences

08:30 15m Registration
08:45 45m Event Handling
09:30 45m Graphics
10:15 45m Qt Modules Walkthrough
11:00 15m Coffee-break
11:15 45m Qt System APIs: Networking, File Handling, Multithreading
12:00 45m Qt on Nokia Mobile Platforms: Maemo and Symbian
12:45 45m Development Environments: S60 and Maemo
13:30 30m




November 4 (Wednesday)
Helsinki University of Technology, Otakaari 5, Espoo

Session: Welcome session & Mobile Security
Location: S4 Auditorium
Chairman: Alexey Dudkov
14:00 15m Official Opening of the Seminar.
14:15 15m FRUCT Program Description, Status and Future Perspectives, S. Balandin, NRC, Finland
14:30 15m FRUCT Academic Social Network Project, A. Sergeev, Saint-Petersburg State University of Airspace instrumentation (SUAI), Russia
14:45 1h Mobile Trusted Computing, J.-E. Ekberg, Nokia Research Center, Finland
15:45 15m A Vulnerability of Hash Function Realization in ObC, A. Afanasyeva, SUAI, Russia
16:00 15m Coffee-break
Session: Video for mobile devices
Location: S4 Auditorium
Chairman: Yevgeni Koucheryavy
Session: Mobile Trusted Computing Lab,
Room L310, Teacher: Jan-Erik Ekberg
16:15 1h Development of Mobile TV Standards in DVB, J. Henriksson, Nokia Research Center, Finland Mobile Trusted Computing Lab Hands-on Training
Room L310
17:15 15m Temporal Scalability Comparison of the H.264/SVC and Distributed Video Codec, X. Huang, A. Ukhanova, S. Forchhammer, E. Belyaev, DTU/Denmark and SUAI/Russia
17:30 15m H.264/AVC analysis of Quality in Wireless Channel, A. Chuykov, SUAI, Russia
17:45 15m Video Transmission over High-speed WPANs Based on Low-power Data Compression, E. Belyaev, A. Turlikov, SUAI, Russia
18:00 15m Modern Methods of Increasing the Information Capacity of Digital Images, S. Bezzateev, N. Voloshina, P. Sankin, SUAI, Russia
18:15 15m Advanced Automatic White Balance Techniques for Mobile Video Processing, I. Grokhotkov, M. Gilmutdinov, A. Veselov, SUAI, Russia
18:30 15m Methods of Artifacts Reduction in DCT-based Mobile Video Coding, A. Veselov, I. Grohotkov, M. Gilmutdinov, SUAI, Russia
18:45 Closing of Day 1



November 5 (Thursday)
Helsinki University of Technology, Otakaari 1, Espoo

08:45 15m Day Agenda
Session: Smart Spaces
Room: E-hall
Chairman: Ian Oliver
09:00 30m Smart-M3 Open Source, J. Honkola, H. Laine, R. Brown, Nokia Research Center, Finland
09:30 30m Smart-M3 Demos, J. Honkola, H. Laine, V. Luukkala, R. Brown, Nokia Research Center, Finland
10:00 15m The Road to Smart Spaces: Convergence of Consumer Electronics with a Change of Content Management and Application Design Principles, A. Koren, S. Balandin, SUAI/Russia and NRC/Finland
10:15 15m Semantic Analysis: Theory, Applications and Use Cases, D. Kan, V. Poroshin, SPbSU/Russia and M-Brain/Finland
10:30 15m Context Mobile Electronic Personality, W. Oyomno, P. Jappinen, E. Kerttula, LUT, Finland
10:45 15m Coffee-break
Session: Mobile Software & Services
Room: S2 in Otakaari 5
Chairman: Harri Paloheimo
Session: Human-body centric services
Room: E-hall
Chairman: Michel Gillet
11:00 15m Ubiq Mobile – a New Universal Platform for Mobile Online Services, V. Onossovski, A. Terekhov, St-Petersburg State University, Russia Electronic Health Passport on Basement of Computer Model of Organism for Decision Making Support in Telemedicine, M. Ignatyev, D. Makina A. Gubin, SUAI, Sechenov Institution of evolutionary physiology and biochemistry Russian Academy of Science, St-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, Russia
11:15 15m Open Issues in Mobile Middleware, P. Heinila, LUT, Finland
11:30 15m Virtual Telescope Services for Mobile Devices, A. Reyss, S. Balandin, Petrozavodsk State University/Russia and NRC/Finland
11:45 15m Location-based Services in Public Buildings, A. Kiryushin, Nizhniy Novgorod State University, Russia Exploiting Femtocellular Networks for Emergency Telemedicine Applications in Multiple Dwelling Units, Z. Zheng, E. Mutafungwa, J. Hamalainen, HUT, Finland
12:00 15m Lunch break Expert Control System of Convenience of User Interface, Mikhail Smirnov, D. Ilina, I. Lysenkov, Nizhniy Novgorod State University, Russia
12:15 1h


Lunch break
Session: Mobile Software & Services (continuation)
Room: S3 in Otakaari 5
Chairman: Harri Paloheimo
Session: Network technologies
Room: E-hall
Chairman: Alexander Sayenko
Smart-M3 technology hands-on training
Room L310 in Otakaari 5.
Teacher: Jukka Honkola
13:15 45m Energy-efficient mobile applications - issues and examples, J.K. Nurminen, Nokia Research Center, Finland
Providing the Needed Capacity to Serve Future Wired and Wireless Access Network, L. Dittmann, DTU, Denmark
14:00 15m The Approach to Predict Operational Time for Symbian Mobile Devices, V. Kononova, K. Krinkin, “LETI”, Russia
14:15 15m Coffee-break
Session: Network technologies I
Room: E-hall
Chairman: Alexander Sayenko
Session: Network technologies II
Room: S3 in Otakaari 5
Chairman: Alexey Dudkov
Smart-M3 technology hands-on training
Room L310
14:30 15m An Overview of Cross Layer Design and Optimization for Cognitive Radio Networks, F. Ahmed, HUT, Finland On Decoding Algebraic Codes, S. Fedorenko, SUAI, Russia
14:45 15m Detection of Primary User in Cognitive Radio Network, L. Wei, O. Tirkkonen, HUT, Finland
15:00 15m Introducing UMSIC Middleware Services, J. Laakkonen, T. Kallonen, K. Heikkinen, J. Porras, Lappeenranta University of Techology (LUT), Finland Modeling bler Performance of Punctured Turbo Code (13,15)8 Adopting QPSK and 16QAM Modulations, S. Lembo, K. Ruttik, O. Tirkkonen, HUT, Finland
15:15 15m A Stateless Approach for Internet Transport Protocols, M. Nikitinskiy, Yaroslavl State University, Russia CQI-report optimization for multi-mode MIMO with unitary codebook based precoding, H. Maattanen, O. Tirkkonen, T. Roman, HUT, Finland
15:30 15m Multipath Transport on the Internet, S. Siikavirta, G.R. Moktan, A. Jaakkol, HUT, Finland Data Allocation for Parallel Processing in Distributed Computing Systems, A. Syschikov, D. Rutkov, SUAI, Russia
15:45 15m Modeling and Analysis of WAP Protocol Family, M. Alekseeva, I. Vlasov, E. Dashkova, Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia Holographic Implementation of a Linear Predictor of Random Processes: Influence of High-pass and Low-pass Filtering on the Process Characteristics, ITMO, Z. Bekyasheva, A. Pavlov, A. Vostrikov, Russia
16:00 15m Design of a SIP Outbound Edge Proxy (EPSIP), S. Lembo, HUT, Finland Efficient Algorithm of Well-Localized Bases Construction for OFTDM Systems, D. Petrov, Moscow State University, Russia
16:15 15m Modeling and Analysis of the Session Initiation Protocol, E. Ishmukhametov, M. Gerasimov, Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia Modern Radio Navigation Techniques: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, A. Popov, NRPL Group, Russia
16:30 45m Invited talk: Future Internet is by Ethernet, Raimo Kantola, HUT (in E-hall, Otakaari 1)
18:00 3h Social event in Nokia Research Center, Itamerenkatu 11-13, Helsinki



November 6 (Friday)
Nokia Research Center, Itamerenkatu 11-13, Helsinki

08:45 15m Day Agenda
09:00 45m Special invited talk: A Profound Experiment in Openness, David Wood, Symbian Foundation, UK
Session: Embedded Networks and Solutions
Room: Da Vinci auditorium
Chairman: Heikki Waris
09:45 45m Conformance Testing for Embedded Networks (+Demo), M. Gillet, Nokia Devices, Finland
10:30 15m Coffee-break
10:45 30m Introduction to Theory of Real-Time Micro-Operating Systems for Embedded Control Systems, A. Astapkovitch, SUAI, Russia
11:15 15m SystemC Modeling of the Embedded Networks, V. Olenev, Y. Sheynin, E. Suvorova, S. Balandin, M. Gillet, SUAI/Russia and Nokia/Finland
11:30 15m Implementation Digital Pulse-Compression Filter on the Stratix FPGA and the TMS320C6416T DSP, A. Beseda, NRPL Group, Russia
11:45 15m Remote Memory Access in Embedded Networked Systems, V. Olenev, I. Korobkov, L. Koblyakova, F. Shutenko, SUAI, Russia
12:00 15m Low Power Protocols Development and Implementation, F. Shutenko, E. Suvorova, E. Yablokov, M. Gillet, SUAI/Russia and Nokia/Finland
12:15 15m SystemC and SDL Co-Modeling Methods, A. Stepanov, I. Lavrovskaya, V. Olenev, A. Rabin, SUAI, Russia
12:30 15m Cross-Development as a Service, V. Moltchanov, M. Kaipiainen, EmbedOne, Finland
12:45 1h Lunch break
Session: MAEMO
Room: Da Vinci auditorium
Chairman: Timofey Turenko
13:45 1h Agile and Lean Software Development: Thinking and Practices, M. von Weissenberg, Nokia, Finland
14:45 15m Programming for Open Platforms at Universities: Experience of Joint Activity of Petrozavodsk State University and Nokia University Cooperation Program, Y. Bogoyavlenskiy, A. Voronin, D. Korzun, A. Borodin, A. Kolosov, M. Kryshen, Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU), Russia
15:00 15m A MAEMO Client for Web Services of a Trading Business System, I. Semenov, P. Andrianov, D. Zabirohin, E. Zabolotskih, D. Korzun, Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU), Russia
15:15 15m Coffee-break
15:30 15m Maemo Client for Social Networks with Cross-Profile Features, A. Bogachev, A. Borodin, A. Lomov, I. Burlak, S. Zakharov, PetrSU, Russia
15:45 15m Kimi: A Personal Organizer in the Internet Event Space, S. Epifanov, E. Tsvetkov, K. Ivashov, A. Kolosov, PetrSU, Russia
16:00 15m Scribo: Multi-service Blogging Application for the Maemo Platform, D. Zaiceva, A. Mezhenin, A. Sannikov, K. Germanov, M. Kryshen, PetrSU, Russia
16:15 15m Benefits of an Open-source Platform from an Economical Perspective: Maemo’s case study, J. Teixeira, Turku School of Economics, Finland
16:30 15m WebDAV implementation for MAEMO, A. Zlobin, M. Zaslavsky, SPbETU “LETI” and St-Petersburg Polytechnical University, Russia
16:45 15m Tools for Finding Resource Leakages, S. Ivanov, SUAI, Russia
17:00 Official Closing of the Seminar, Sergey Balandin, Nokia Research Center, Finland
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