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Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications BCFIC 2011

Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications BCFIC 2011

Riga, Latvia, February 16 - 18, 2011,

Paper submission: October 11, 2010
Acceptance Notification: December 01, 2010
Camera Ready: December 18, 2010

Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications BCFIC Riga 2011 will address all the challenges of building the Future Internet, which will be based on mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications infrastructures. BCFIC Riga 2011 will become a stage for researchers, officials, decision makers, practitioners from the public sector and industry, people involved in other related initiatives and many others. The Congress will facilitate knowledge transfer to the community and practitioners by promoting results dissemination.

The Scientific Programme will incorporate all the components of Future Communication Networks including the topics Future Internet Technologies, Internet of the things, wireless networking for moving objects etc.

The Internet of the Future will incorporate a large number of autonomous wireless objects moving with diverse patterns and speeds while communicating via several radio interfaces. Examples of such objects may include humans, cars or unmanned aerial vehicles, with every object acting as a networking device generating, relaying and/or absorbing data. Achieving the Internet of the Future, will require global interoperability amongst objects/devices, not typically common place due to inherent features of today’s Internet. To overcome the current shortcomings, a number of research challenges have to be addressed in the area of networking, including protocol engineering, development of applications and services, as well as realistic use-cases. Applications, services, overlay networking will receive a special treatment within the Congress.

BCFIC Riga 2011 is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Communications Society (pending) and IEEE Latvia Section.

BCFIC Riga 2011 proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in the correspondent databases (e.g. EI-index and others).

Core Thematic Topics of interest for Baltic Congress on Future Internet and Communications BCFIC Riga 2011 include, but are not limited to:

Future Internet Technologies

  • Ubiquitous computing and networking
  • Future Internet Architecture and Protocol Design
  • Scalable Architectures for the Real World Internet
  • Future Internet Self-Management Frameworks
  • QoS and QoE
  • Platforms and Middleware for Seamless Service and Content Delivery
  • Cloud Computing
  • Network Security
  • Green Communications
  • Energy-efficient networking
  • Privacy, security and reputation, Identity management

Pervasive computing and smart environment

  • RFID and Sensor Network Technologies
  • Architecture and platforms
  • Distributed and pervasive services
  • Personal and body networks, wearable computing
  • Semantic analysis
  • Metadata and Meta modeling
  • XML and Data Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Web Security and Privacy
  • Cyber threats
  • Web Services and Web Engineering
  • Web Intelligence
  • Bio-inspired/Bio-oriented Networks

Wireless Networking for Moving Objects

  • End-to-end Quality of Service Support
  • Traffic Characterization and Modeling
  • Resource Management and Admission Control
  • Cross layer design, optimization and Interactions
  • Routing and Addressing
  • Network Security in Wired and Wireless
  • Network Management Applications
  • Services and Applications
  • Mobile Service Level Agreements and Specification
  • Mesh and Ad-hoc Networks
  • Wireless Multimedia

Home networking

  • Home Networks
  • ITU concept
  • Overlay Networks
  • Transport Protocols
  • Network Planning
  • Convergence of Broadcast and Communications Technologies
  • Solutions for Consumer Communications
  • Digital TV and Radio Broadcasting
  • Computing in Signal Processing
  • Intelligent Agent and Web Applications
  • Intelligent Control and Automation

Mobile and Wireless Networks

  • Cellular & broadband Wireless (3G/4G/5G)
  • Cognitive wireless networks
  • Cooperative communications
  • Ecological wireless networks
  • Multi-hop networks
  • Ad hoc networks
  • Sensor networks
  • Local dependent networks
  • Mobile computing
  • Analysis, simulation, measurement and performance evaluation
  • Congestion and admission control
  • Routing, Qos and scheduling
  • Satellite communications
  • Transport layer issues
  • Wireless multicast
  • Wireless IP

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)

  • Vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-roadside communications
  • Intra-vehicle communications
  • Vehicle-to-Internet communications
  • Mobility and vehicular traffic models
  • Information collection and dissemination
  • Analytical and simulation techniques
  • Experimental systems and field operational testing
  • Safety and non-safety related applications
  • Recent standardization efforts and problems (e.g. 802.11p)
  • Overview of the activities and status of the ongoing projects
  • Deployment strategies and predictions

P2P technologies

  • Advances in theoretical foundations of P2P
  • Security, trust and reputation in P2P
  • Performance analysis of P2P systems, applications and services
  • Quality of experience in P2P systems
  • Mobile P2P

Social Networks

  • Computational Aspects of Social Network
  • Security, data protection inside communities
  • Evaluation and benchmarking


  • e-Business system design and development
  • e-Payment and e-Commerce
  • Social and Legal Issues
  • Digital Ecology
  • e-Health
  • e-Governance
  • e-Entertainment
  • e-Journalism
  • e-Learning and virtual classrooms