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PhD position in Distribute​d Systems available, Karlstad University, Sweden

The department of Computer Science at Karlstad University, Sweden seeks applicants for a PhD student position in the area of Distributed Systems/Mobile Cloud. The student will initially perform his/her studies in the context of the EU-INTERREG IVb funded project ITRACT (Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies).

The general objective of the project is to develop an open service platform that brings together sensor networks, navigation information, intelligent transport systems with distributed computing to allow the rapid development of novel applications and services for mobile users supporting them in their daily transport need. By integrating novel ICT solutions, transport and accessibility of remote areas can be improved in innovative ways. The project’s part covered by the position includes work on mobile cloud systems, service oriented architectures, urban sensing, coordination and decision making.

Research within the computer science department at Karlstad University is focused around the research groups in distributed systems and communications (DISCO), privacy and security (PriSec), and software engineering (SERG). Democratic principles, equality and diversity are the cornerstones of our activities. We value and welcome the enriching presence of a diversity of backgrounds and qualifications among students and staff.

Qualified for the position are candidates with a University degree of 240 ECTS, from which at least 60 ECTS were awarded for courses at advanced level and have a Master's degree or the Swedish Magister or Civilingenjör degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent. Qualified are also those candidates who have achieved corresponding degrees and/or knowledge in Sweden or abroad. The candidate should have a strong background from at least one of the areas service oriented architectures, cloud services, sensor networks, intelligent transport systems. Strong programming skills and good English language abilities are pre-requisites for the position. Programming Skills in developing software for mobile platforms such as Android are a plus. The knowledge of the Swedish language is not required.

Admission is on the basis of individual assessment of the candidates' abilities to successfully pass the research education. The earliest date for filling the position is March 1, 2012. The position is limited to 4 years, but can be prolonged for up to one more year, if the candidate also takes on other research, teaching or administrative tasks besides his/her PhD research. Those tasks should not exceed 20% of the time of a full-time position. Admission will be made provided necessary decisions.

Your application should contain a cover letter motivating your reasons for applying, a CV, copies of your degrees, a list of attended courses with grades and dates, if applicable copies of publications or proofs of other achievements, statement of research interests, and reference letters or contact addresses of reference persons.

More information and online application:
