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Libmeegotouch: Touch Everywhere (MeeGo Training)
The training agenda is as follows:
Introduction to MeeGo Touch Framework
- How to get started? How do I build it? On which platform?
- Why would I use MeeGo touch instead of QML/plain Qt in tablets?
- What kind of tooling support is available for MeeGo Touch?
- MeeGo Touch resources: community, bugzilla, gitorius, etc.
An Application from Scratch
- Choosing our target: tablets/handhelds
- Setuping our environment: Qt Creator, libmeegotouch, git
- What visual elements I need? graphics, styles, etc.
- Code style
- Recommended design patterns
- Localization: How I should code to do my application localizable (multi-languages)?
- Styles/graphics: How to use? , How manipulates meegotouch the graphics?
- How MeeGo Touch applications are tested and debugged?
The application
We will develop a sample an application, while following, the audience may follow us and create an application of their own.
My application is done:
- How can I run my application on a real device (e.g. N900) or emulator?
- What are the steps to package/publish my application?
Recommended skills for the audience:
- Basic skills of C++ and Qt
- Basic skills in using GNU/Linux platform as development environment
To follow the coding exercise, we recommend bringing with you:
- Laptop with a supported MeeGo development environment (Debian / Ubuntu recommended)
- QtCreator + local copy of libmeegotouch + dependencies (read README at gitorious)
Meego training registration
Registration to the conference and trainings has been closed on 09.11.
You can still register on site, if there is enough space.