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15th FRUCT Conference: News and Updates
Taking into account number of registrations and in order to have more comfortable conference premises we agreed to move conference to Vasilievskiy island, Birzhevaya liniya, 14. The new location is approximately 1km away from the previously announced location and it is in the beautiful historical center of the St. Petersburg city. Please check the updated program of the conference that is now available for download.
We welcome you to register to free Tizen Developers Lab training that will be held on April 22. Training will be in Russian language.
The first draft of conference program is available for download.
Information about available options for accommodation during the conference is now available at Accommodation page.
On April 21-22, 2014 Nokia and FRUCT invite you to take part in the Nokia Developers training. This is 2 days event that consists of 3 professional trainings on "Developing for Nokia X Platform", "Advanced imaging with Nokia Imaging SDK", and "Working with Windows Phone device APIs". The training will be held atSt-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", 5th building, main conference room at the1st floor, ul. Prof. Popova, 3 (street view). For details and registration please visit training's page.
The conference Registration page is open. Registration is free of charge.
We want to stress attention of the submitting authors that to the final FRUCT proceedings will accept ONLY papers presented at the conference. The conference proceedings will not be prepared until AFTER the conference. Correspondingly, publication of full papers in IEEE Xplore could be expected 2-3 months after the conference.
We got confirmation that 15th FRUCT conference will be technically sponsored by IEEE.
Instructions and form for submission of demo proposals is now available at Demo Session page.
The new page with practical information related to the conference is now available at Practical Information page.
Information about available options for accommodation during the conference is now available at Accommodation page.
We welcome you to make submissions to the 15th FRUCT conference here. All submission, i.e. full papers, presentation abstracts and poster/demo proposals have to be prepared using latest document templates (for abstracts/demo proposals the document shall contain standard paper header followed by 200 words – 5 pages of text). Please SUBMIT your papers in PDF format and make sure that it follows our template: MS Word or LaTeX. (PLEASE NOTE: following to the agreement with IEEE we renewed FRUCT paper templates to match the IEEE format requirements. Please use these new templates!) The submission deadline for full papers and abstracts is February 28, 2014. The acceptance notification deadline is March 15, 2014. Deadline for camera-ready submission is March 31, 2014.
The conference page is created and Call for Participation and Registration pages of the 15th FRUCT conference are available. The conference will be held in St.-Petersburg, Russia, on 21-25 of April 2014.