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Demo section

The Demo section of the 11th FRUCT conference will be combined with the demo session of the Regional seminar on Mobile Healthcare, early diagnostics and fitness and with the conference social event. It will be held at the main conference hall of the SUAI University on April 26 (Thursday) from 18.30 till 21.00. The conference and seminar participants are warmly welcome to take part in the event.

Call for Participation in the next round of International Master's programme on Security and Mobile Computing at Aalto University

Aalto university arrange a two year International Master's programme on Security and Mobile Computing NordSecMob program is your unique chance to get double M.Sc. diploma from two leading universties of Europe. Also in this programme students have an opportnity to achieve high tax free scholarships of 1'000 euros per month.


PhD position in Distribute​d Systems available, Karlstad University, Sweden

The department of Computer Science at Karlstad University, Sweden seeks applicants for a PhD student position in the area of Distributed Systems/Mobile Cloud. The student will initially perform his/her studies in the context of the EU-INTERREG IVb funded project ITRACT (Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies).


Mobile Technologies Winter School in Petrozavodsk: QML (in Russian)

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Take part in Mobile Data Challenge organized by Nokia

Do you have an interest in analyzing Big Data, collected in real life, mobile context? Nokia Research Center Lausanne and its academic Swiss partners (Idiap and EPFL) have recently completed a Data Collection Campaign ( in the Lake Geneva region. Rich data from smartphones of almost 200 participants was collected in the course of more than one year. The Mobile Data Challenge (MDC) releases the Lausanne data for the research community.

