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Updated date Titlesort descending
02.12.17 Apuraha
02.12.17 Apurahat
02.12.17 Apurahat
02.12.17 Apurahat
01.12.17 Apuraha
01.12.17 Apuraha
01.12.17 Apurahat
01.12.17 Tutkimusapurahat
01.12.17 Tutkimusrahoitustuki
30.11.17 Apuraha
30.11.17 Apurahat 2018
29.11.17 21st FRUCT Conference: Registration
27.11.17 5th seminar program
27.11.17 Accelerometer-based gait analysis using mobile phones
27.11.17 Asha Developers Challenge
27.11.17 Call for Participation in EIT ICT Labs Master School
27.11.17 Call for Participation in the next round of International Master's programme on Security and Mobile Computing at Aalto University
27.11.17 Call to join MSc program on Smart Systems
27.11.17 Contest CFP: make the best application for Intel Atom
27.11.17 Healthy restaurant (healthy choice)
27.11.17 Heart Rate Measuring Using Mobile Phone`s Camera
27.11.17 Information security of healthcare systems, using biometric approach
27.11.17 Lightweight Authentication for Heterogeneous Information Systems
27.11.17 Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
27.11.17 Registration to 14th FRUCT conference and collocated events
27.11.17 Smart TV Medicine Tracker
27.11.17 SmartDiet - personal diet planner
27.11.17 SmartRoom
27.11.17 test
27.11.17 The Cross-platform Application for Arrhythmia Detection
27.11.17 TicksInfo Application: Information Guide on Ticks and Diseases They Transmit
27.11.17 Tourist Attraction Information Service
27.11.17 Virtual road signs service
27.11.17 We congratulate winners of Tizen Hackathon in Nizhny Novgorod
27.11.17 We congratulate winners of Tizen Hackathon in Novosibirsk
27.11.17 We congratulate winners of Tizen Hackathon in Petrozavodsk
27.11.17 We congratulate winners of Tizen Hackathon in St.-Petersburg
27.11.17 Wikipedia
27.11.17 Would you like to get grant for second education in Europe?
27.11.17 Проект создания Мобильного диагностического устройства.
27.11.17 Страница новостей о грантах и стипендиях на обучение
27.11.17 openkarelia
27.11.17 Proceedings of 14th FRUCT in IEEE Xplore
26.11.17 European Commission Cordis
26.11.17 University of Helsinki
26.11.17 Tampere University of Technology
26.11.17 Kaunas University of Technology
25.11.17 Apurahahaku 2018
24.11.17 Stipendit
22.11.17 Apurahat
22.11.17 Diabetestutkimuksen apuraha
21.11.17 Apurahat
18.11.17 21st FRUCT Conference: News and Updates
16.11.17 FRUCT proceedings are now included to DOAJ
14.11.17 21st FRUCT Conference: Program
