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09.08.2016 10:00–12.08.2016 16:00 Conference Exactum, D122 (Tue, Wed, Fri), C123 (Thurs) Summer School on Bioinformatics Data Structures - a glimpse of the frontier of data structures in bioinformatics from various local and international lecturers.
15.08.2016 13:00–14:00 Seminar Exactum, C 222
15.08.2016 15:15–16:00 Lecture Exactum, B222 PhD Esa Pitkänen will give a demonstration lecture for his docent application on August 15th, 2015, at 15.15 in Exactumin room B222. The talk titled "Syöpägenomiikan laskennalliset menetelmät" is given in Finnish.
27.05.2016 10:15–11:00 HIIT seminar Exactum B119 Abstract:
20.05.2016 00:00–00:00 Conference Aalto University’s School of Business, Auxiliary Building 'Chydenia' (Runeberginkatu 22-24)  
01.04.2016 10:15–11:00 HIIT seminar Exactum B119 Abstact: We begin by studying a worst way to hang a painting on a wall. Encouraged by this unusual hanging method we advance to consider how to build a simple computing 'machine' by hanging paintings. Abstract mathematical ideas of knot theory and homotopy theory will be mentioned in passing, but the focus will be in concrete objects. Bio:
01.04.2016 12:00–15:00 Defence of thesis Exactum, Auditorium CK112, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b
29.04.2016 16:15–17:15 Guest lecture Linus Torvalds Auditorium (B123), University of Helsinki, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b, Helsinki The next lecture in the Helsinki Distinguished Lecture Series on Future Information Technology
06.05.2016 12:00–15:00 Defence of thesis University of Helsinki Main Building, Auditorium XIV, Unioninkatu 34
