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Researchers at Umeå and Uppsala University in Sweden have discovered a new signaling pathway that makes cancer cells aggressive. The findings could lead to improved treatment for advanced prostate cancer, as well as breast and lung cancer.
In a study published in the European Heart Journal, an Umeå research team has shown that physical fitness in your teens can reduce the risk of heart attack later in life, while men who are fit and obese in their teens run a higher risk of having a heart attack than unfit, lean men.
Several of Umeå University's elite student-athletes are competing in one of 17 different sports events during the Swedish Championships (SM) Week held in Umeå this week.
Country: GREECE - Download date: 2014 01 25 7:0 - Post date: 24-01-2014 01:15 - Organisation: National Hellenic Research Foundation - Research Fields: Chemistry
Country: GREECE - Download date: 2014 01 25 7:0 - Post date: 24-01-2014 01:20 - Organisation: National Hellenic Research Foundation - Research Fields: Chemistry
Country: NETHERLANDS - Download date: 2014 01 25 7:0 - Post date: 24-01-2014 01:26 - Organisation: Keygene - Research Fields: Biological sciences
Country: POLAND - Download date: 2014 01 25 7:0 - Post date: 24-01-2014 01:34 - Organisation: Medical University of Lublin - Research Fields: Medical sciences
The work of Daniel S. Nagin and Joan Petersilia has helped to re-shape the use of prison and community corrections based on evidence of what works – and what doesn’t. This was the motivation of the jury when the winners of the Stockholm Prize in Criminology were announced today, October 30.
In this week’s issue of Nature Geoscience, a Russian-US-Swedish study show extensive release of the powerful greenhouse gas methane from the East Siberian Arctic Seas, a shallow coastal ocean covering an area equivalent to four times the area of Sweden.
