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The 3rd international conference “Radiation Interaction with Material and its use in Technologies”
On September 22-24, KTU holds international seminar on education and training of medical physicists
On September 22-24, KTU organize 20th international conference “Electromagnetic Disturbances EMD’2010”
On September 29, KTU celebrates European Day of Languages
On October 6-8, Lithuanian Space Association invites to the first international space conference in Lithuania
On October 7-8, KTU invites to the 4th international conference on engineering education
On October 14-15, KTU holds 9th International Conference on Vibroengineering
On October 14-16 Kaunas holds 8th International Conferences & Workshop “Medical Physics 2010” On October 14-16, the 8th International Conferences & Workshop “Medical Physics 2010” will be held in Kaunas. The conference is organized by Kaunas University of Technology together with Lund University and Lithuanian Society of Medical Physicists.
On September 22, KTU Faculty of Social Sciences celebrates 20th anniversary
The supply of shellfish we buy at the supermarket faces an uncertain future as our oceans become warmer and more acidic due to changing climate. A team of international scientists has launched an ambitious mission to understand how these changes in our oceans will affect several species vital to the European fishing economy and to marine biodiversity.
