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Call for applications (research grants 2012)

Institute IHÉS (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS), France) announces the call for applications for participation in the program of research grants in 2012. IHÉS takes about 200 mathematicians and theoretical physicists from around the world (post-doctoral students and experienced researchers) for a period of several days to one year (in exceptional cases - up to two years).
Nearest Deadline - May 21, 2012.

Open post-doctoral positions in communication theory

The School of Electrical Engineering and the ACCESS Linnaeus Center at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, are pleased to announce post-doctoral positions in information and communication theory. The ability and interest to work across traditional disciplines and to initiate new research collaborations are essential. Candidates should have a PhD (or be near completion) in a relevant field and a strong research and publication record. The duration of the position is 12 months which may be extended by an additional 12 months.

Permanent "Smart Grid" position at the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Barcelona

The Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, an advanced research center established in Barselona (Spain), is devoted to fundamental and applied R&D related to the physical and lower layers of communication systems. At present time the CTTC is interested in filling the following Research Associate position in communication technologies:

Research Associate Position:

Call for Participation in the next round of International Master's programme on Security and Mobile Computing at Aalto University

Aalto university arrange a two year International Master's programme on Security and Mobile Computing NordSecMob program is your unique chance to get double M.Sc. diploma from two leading universties of Europe. Also in this programme students have an opportnity to achieve high tax free scholarships of 1'000 euros per month.

