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Qt Quick for Mobile Development

We welcome you to the introduction training to Qt Quick for Mobile Development. The training will be given by Dr. Tony Torp, on November 8 from 9.00 till 13.00 in Nokia office Hermia 5, PC-Class B112. Please don't forget to register yourself using the form in the bottom of this page.

Target audience

  • Qt programmers who have the following skills:
  • Understanding Qt meta object architecture;
  • Good C++ knowledge, including solid understanding of inheritance, polymorphism, virtual functions concepts;
  • Some practical experience of development in Linux environment;
  • Understanding gnu/make and .pro file formats

The main goals of training

  • to improve solid understanding Qt architecture;
  • to acquire knowledge about QML declarative language in Qt;
  • to improve knowledge about Qt mobility;
  • to get practical experience for Qt development and publishing in OVI.

The training agenda is as follows

  • Intro to Qt
  • Nokia developer offering, Qt SDK
  • The first Qt application
  • Intro to QML programming language
  • QML Mobility APIs, example hands on with maps and gps
  • Signing and deploying
  • Publishing apps in Nokia store


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