June 22-26th, 2010, Tomsk, Russia
The conference aims to organize a multidisciplinary forum for scientists exploring cognition and its evolution; intellect; thinking; perception; consciousness; knowledge representation and acquisition; language as a means of cognition and communication; brain mechanisms of cognition, emotion and higher forms of behavior. Psychologists, linguists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, philosophers, anthropologists, specialists in education, artificial intelligence, neuroinformatics and cognitive ergonomics, as well as other researchers interested in interdisciplinary research on cognition are invited to participate in the conference. The conference program will include lectures by leading experts in multidisciplinary cognitive studies. The names of the invited lecturers will be announced at the conference website http://www.cogsci2010.ru/eng/.
Organizers of the conference provide free accommodation at the hotels of Tomsk for the participants of the conference (free accommodation for 1 presenter of a poster or an oral presentation for the term of the conference). Deadline for abstract submission is January 22, 2010.