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Seminar on e-Tourism in Karelia and Oulu Region

On November 7, 2012 FRUCT Oy, Center for Internet Excellence (University of Oulu), Petrozavodsk State University, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences and Tourist Information Centre of the Republic of Karelia organize seminar on e-Tourism in Karelia and Oulu Region. This seminar is a part of implementation of ENPI Karelia CBC KA322 project on Development of cross-border e-tourism framework for the programme region (Smart e-Tourism).

Seminar “e-Tourism in Karelia and Oulu Region” provides great opportunity to foster dialogue and mutual knowledge between academic researchers and tourism business representatives from Russia and Finland. The seminar is aimed at creating a platform for exchanging experiences and best practices of using perspective approaches and latest information technologies for the development of e-tourism services and infrastructures in Karelia and Oulu regions.

The seminar will consist of presentations given by invited academic and industrial experts, round table discussion and training on Geo2Tag open source platform.


We warmly welcome industry and academic experts to contribute to the seminar by participation in interactive discussions and experience sharing. The seminar is free of charge and open for participation without preliminary registration.

The seminar will be held in co-location with the 12th FRUCT conference, so the seminar participants are welcome to take part in all events of the 12th FRUCT conference, as well as all participants registered to FRUCT conference are welcome to the seminar.


Time: 7th of November 2012, 09:00-13:00

Place: University of Oulu, room G0101, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90570 Oulu

Entrance: participation in the seminar is free or charge.


Looking forward to see you at seminar on e-Tourism in Karelia and Oulu Region!


Geo2Tag platform training

Geo2tag is an open source platform that facilitates development of Location based services. It provides comprehensive set of programming interfaces and system services like high performance database for geotags, spatial and content filter engine, tag aggregation and other. Unlike traditional analogs of LBS services (like wikimapia, yandex/google maps) that can be used for building mobile applications, the users can install their own instance of Geo2tag platform and so gain total control on resources, security, performance and high availability.

At the moment platform has RESTful API consists of more than 20 functions, which is built on HTTP/JSON technologies. The main features are: tag management, time and area filters, spatial filters for indoor services, client libraries for Java and C++. In addition several mobile clients for Android and Qt platforms are available. Geo2tag is still under development and a set of new features, e.g., user management, multi database support, channel/tag aggregation, map widget, will be released by the end of 2012.

The main goal of this training is introduction into Geo2tag architecture, technologies and use-cases. Participants will get practical experience in installation platform and development of small mobile application.

Training Agenda

  • Geo2tag architecture overview;
  • Installation process: how to get working platform in 5 min;
  • Client libraries for Qt and java overview;
  • Raw JSON interface;
  • Practical examples


You should have basic experience of programming on Java and Qt plus elementary knowledge of Linux.
We recommend having your own laptop for exercises.