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11th FRUCT Conference: News and Updates


The conference presentations have been published.

The next FRUCT conference will be held in Oulu on November 5-9, 2012. Registration is open.

The conference get 185 registered participants. The conference registration is closed now.

The first draft of the conference program is published.

Information about available options for accommodation during the conference is now available at Accommodation page.

Within scope of 11th FRUCT conference a special legal training-seminar on Patents and Copyright in Russia will be organized for IT specialists. The training-seminar will be held on April 27 at 16.00-18.00. The seminar moderator is Vyacheslav Turenko, chairman of the Board of Patent Attorneys of St. Petersburg. The training will be held in Russian. The training is open and free for all conference participants.

We are proudly announce that Albert Efimov, IT Cluster manager from Skolkovo preliminary has confirmed participation in the conference and will give an invited talk on "Skolkovo Technology Challenges".

We are proudly announce that Valtteri Niemi, Nokia Fellow from Nokia Research Center preliminary has confirmed participation in the conference and will give an invited talk on "Privacy in mobile communications".

We are proudly announce that Knut Yrvin from Qt Network preliminary has confirmed participation in the conference and will give an invited talk on "Cross platform hybrid Internet applications".

We are proudly announce that Prof. Marko Turpeinen, Director of EIT ICT Labs Helsinki Node has confirmed participation in the conference and will give an invited talk on "EIT ICT Labs: Bringing ICT to Life in Europe".

The call for demo proposals to be presented at the special demo session co-located with the conference social event is open. By March 23, 2012, please send 1-3 paragraphs descriptions of your demo proposal to email address info<at>

Based on multiple requests of authors the submission deadline for papers and abstracts to the 11th FRUCT conference was extended. The new submission deadline is March 2, 2012.

We are proudly announce that Prof. D. K. Arvind from the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh has confirmed participation in the conference and will give the keynote talk on "Speckled Computing for Healthcare" at the mobile healthcare session.

We welcome you to make submissions to the 11th FRUCT conference here. All submission, i.e. full papers, “presentation only” publications and poster/demo proposals have to be prepared using latest document templates (for abstracts and demo proposals the document shall contain standard paper header followed by 200 words - 2 pages). Please SUBMIT your papers in PDF format and make sure that it follows our template: MS Word or LaTeX. The submission deadline is February 20, 2012.

We are proudly announce that Prof. Oleg Medvedev from Moscow State University has confirmed participation in the conference and will a talk about current state of Mobile Healthcare solutions in Russia and World.

QML training will be organized in co-location with the 11th FRUCT conference. The training is supported by Nokia Russia and will be held on April 23-25 from 9.00 till 18.00. Registration to training is open. Register yourself ASAP and follow the latest news on the training web page.

We are proudly announce that the conference keynote talk will be given by Dr. Roberto Saracco (Director of Telecom Italia, Node Director of EIT Italy and IEEE ComSoc Director for Sister and Related Society). Preliminary the talk is scheduled for April 27, 2012 and title of the talk is "Future Telecommunications to make the Information Society a seamless reality".

The 11th FRUCT conference will be held in St.-Petersburg on April 23-27, 2012 (submission deadline is February 20, 2012).

The conference page is created and Call for Participation and Registration to the 11th FRUCT conference are available now.

