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Demo section

The Demo section of the 11th FRUCT conference will be combined with the demo session of the Regional seminar on Mobile Healthcare, early diagnostics and fitness and with the conference social event. It will be held at the main conference hall of the SUAI University on April 26 (Thursday) from 18.30 till 21.00. The conference and seminar participants are warmly welcome to take part in the event.

We ask all authors to send titles and 2-3 paragraph descriptions of your demo proposals ASAP to info<at> Please also make sure that the demo will be prepared in line with the below provided recommendations.

All authors planning to present projects at FRUCT demo session must submit the presentation slides and details of the presentation to the Poster Presentations Management System by April, 22. This management system accumulates the list of presentations and automatically provides it to SmartConferenceSystem, which would be used to organize poster session in Pecha Kucha format.


The demo section at FRUCT conference will consist of two parts. The first part is the promotional section, which is used to present/introduce demo projects to the public. The main idea of this section is to make people aware of the main point of the demo and be interested enough to come to demonstration stands during the second part of the demo session.

The second part of demo session will be held in classical stand-based format, where the team will get a place to install the demo and place for a poster. If you have some special requirements please contact organizing committee by email info<at>

The demo  section of FRUCT conference will be held in Pecha Kucha format of presentation. This page contains all required information about the Pecha Kucha format and requirements that have to meet.

Pecha Kucha Presentation Format

Pecha Kucha is a presentation technique where a speaker shows a definite number of slides, each for 20 seconds. The slides are changed automatically during the talk. The main intention for Pecha Kucha presentation style is to prevent participants from being too verbose and to make their talks more dynamic and impressive.

Pecha Kucha Night is an event where each speaker uses Pecha Kucha presentation, and speakers change each other in non-stop fashion. Initially invented by architects, this kind of event is often used to present creative projects or work; nowadays it is also used for R&D talks too. Pecha Kucha Night format allows all participants to make announcements about their demos in attractive and time-efficient way. That is why we have chosen this format for demo promotion section at FRUCT conference.

How to prepare Pecha Kucha presentation

Here is an instruction on how to prepare your Pecha Kucha style presentation for Demo promotion section. The essentials points of this instruction are also available in the form of check list below.

Your presentation must contain exactly 10 slides, and each of them will be displayed for 20 seconds. The slides will be changed automatically. So, the whole presentation will take exactly 3 minutes 20 seconds (it should be noted that usually Pecha Kucha presentation has 20 slides, but we have to reduce that number in half due to a large amount of submitted presentations).

Provide the information about yourself and your presentation on the first slide (name, institution, title of your presentation).

The main purpose of your talk would be to interest people, so your presentation should make absolutely clear the main ideas of your project and explain what you plan to show at the demo stand. Make your presentation fascinating to attract attendees and avoid technical details in your talk.

Reveal one main idea on each slide. Do not overload your slides with information. Remember, that each slide is displayed only for 20 seconds. Place no more than 2 lines of text per slide, or one big picture. Do not use slide titles.

Do not duplicate the same slides in your presentation — it is cheating! If you see that 20 seconds for a particular slide is not enough for you, try to decouple it into the two or more, or omit the details.

Do not place “Thank you” or “Q&A” slides in the presentation. Pecha Kucha session does not imply any questions from the auditory. All the questions will be asked afterwards in a poster room.

Prepare your speech thoroughly and beforehand. As you have only 20 seconds per slide, it is quite impossible to improvise during the talk.

Rehearse your speech several times to be sure in the absence of pauses when you wait for the slide change, or accelerations when you fails to follow your slides. Try to speak in the same pace during all the presentation. It definitely depends on your text, so try to prepare near the same amount of text in speech for each slide.

Check list

  1. Use exactly 10 slides.
  2. Place information about yourself and your presentation (name, institution) on the first slide.
  3. Reveal one main idea on each slide.
  4. Place no more than 2 lines of text or 1 large image per slide.
  5. Do not duplicate the same slides, do not place “Thank you” or “Q&A” slides in the presentation
  6. Do not use any slide change animation
  7. Prepare your speech thoroughly and do not forget to rehearse it
  8. When you finish your presentation, upload it into Poster Presentation System via web-interface

Useful links


  1. Multiplatform Client and Pecha Kucha Support for Smart Conference System, by Nikita Kozhemyakin, Yarsolavl State University (YarSU lab) and Ivan Galov, Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU lab)
  2. Interactive Metro Map for Moscow and St.-Petersburg, by Nikita Karpinsky, Evgeny Linsky and Alexander Malakhov, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI lab)
  3. Location-based service for tracking ThereAndHere, by Regina Dorokhova, OSLL FRUCT lab and Sofya Kassaye, Moscow State University of Design and Technology (MSU lab)
  4. Geo2tag client: Doctor Search, by Ivan Bezyazychnyy and Kirill Krinkin, OSLL FRUCT lab
  5. A demo blog recommendation system for SmartScribo, by Diana Zaiceva, PetrSU lab
  6. SmartScribo Blog Client for Windows 7, by Stepan Polyakov, PetrSU lab
  7. World Around Me client for Windows Phone devices, by Andrey Vdovenko, PetrSU lab
  8. Evaluation of the Smart Space Approach in Mobile Data Processing, by Sergey Marchenkov, PetrSU lab
  9. EcoTamagochi: Green Behaviour game, by Egor Anisimov, PetrSU lab
  10. Firepoint: Application for Identified Fires Notification, by Inessa Sofronova, PetrSU lab
  11. Musson: Qt-based platform for social network clients, by Kirill Kulakov, PetrSU lab
  12. Learnings of QML development at PetrSU FRUCT lab, by Kirill Kulakov, PetrSU lab
  13. Mobile Arrhythmia Detector, by Yuliya Zavyalova, PetrSU lab
  14. AIS Education, by Michael Afanasyev, SUAI lab
  15. Octotask: Context-aware GTD-style Task Organizer, by Denis Laure, YarSU lab
  16. Sport Training System Based on ECG Monitor, by Ivan Timofeev, YarSU lab
  17. Telemedical Monitoring on Android, by Evgeny Stankevich, YarSU lab
  18. FRUCT Social Network, by Valery Kirkizh, SUAI lab
  19. CDS: Context desktop for Symbian^3, by Artem Pogorelov, PetrSU lab
  20. Using NFC technology in mobile health, by Maxim Jatskovsky, Moscow State University lab
  21. Personal diet planning assistant SmartDiet, by Dorohova Regina, OSLL FRUCT lab and Ekaterina Dashkova, Tampere University of Technology
  22. Owl ontology visualization tool, by Pavel Smirnov, ITMO lab
  23. Ecowatch application, by Alexander Borodin, PetrSU lab

Description of Accepted demos

5. A demo blog recommendation system for SmartScribo
The SmartScribo system is an application for mobile multi-blogging implemented on the Smart-M3 information sharing platform. We consider the problem of semantic blogging in such a massive and heterogeneous media-space as the blogosphere is recently. In our earlier work, we introduced a simple tag ranking model for retrieval a small set of relevant blogs from the blogosphere and for their provision to the user. This demo implements the model for proactive and personalized blog recommendations; it shows experimentally the validity of our approach for semantic blogging.
6. SmartScribo Blog Client for Windows 7
The SmartScribo system is a Smart-M3 application for accessing the blogosphere based on the smart spaces approach of ubiquitous computing. The initial version of SmartScribo provides blog clients only for Maemo-based mobile devices like Nokia N900. In our previous work, we started the development of a SmartScribo client for Windows-based mobile devices. This demo shows the further progress. The client has GUI oriented to mobile devices with Windows 7 (e.g., tablets, netbooks, laptops) and provides a usable set of functions for blogging with media content.
7. World Around Me client for Windows Phone devices
World Around Me (WAM) is a tourist-oriented client application for Windows Phone 7 platform. The primary function is searching in an image hosting website and browsing at the user mobile device favorite photos and pictures associated with the current user location. This demo shows our implementation for HTC HD7 Windows Phone 7 smartphones.
8. Evaluation of the Smart Space Approach in Mobile Data Processing
The next generation of applications will involve many mobile participants as end users with multiple devices from multiple vendors. Lausanne Data Collection Campaign provided a rich mobile phone data set on which such applications can be evaluated. This demo implements a scenario that operates with these data. We focus on the data processing performance of Smart-M3 platform. Our experiments evaluate the appropriateness of the smart spaces approach for application development.
9. EcoTamagochi: Green Behaviour game
The "ecoTamagotchi" project is a mobile application with two main functionalities: the first is usual for tamagotchi-like games virtual pet simulation, the second and the main is connected with the idea of Green Behaviour. Nowadays ecological problems on our planet becomes more and more important. The aim of project is to teach user the basic principles of Green Behaviour in the form of the game. In application user can look after pet, and play ecological mini games: junk sorting, skipping rope and answer to ecological questions. If user pass mini games then he/she get bonus points and can to buy food for pet.
10. Firepoint: Application for Identified Fires Notification
The problem of fires is actual around the world. Forest fires are on the list of global natural disasters every year causing enormous damage to the environment. During forest fires often die people and animals are destroyed huge areas of forests. The Firepoint application provides to the user information on fire detection, obtained from the FIRMS service. Nearby fires are displayed on the map. The location of the nearest forest areas are displays to the user. Also application has the possibility of connection with the emergency services for fire detection and fire warning.
11. Musson: Qt-based platform for social network clients
Social networks are the advanced part of Internet communications. People use social networks to keep in touch, share images and other media content, search friends by interests and so on. One person could have several accounts on different services and different data uploaded to them. Project contains image browsing application, audio and video player and social network client. Each application contains common core and libraries. All parts of Musson project implemented in Qt/Qt quick and works on Harmattan/Symbian platforms. Also Musson contains applications for work with social network places and events. With these applications user can browse friends checkins and events.
12. Learnings of QML development at PetrSU FRUCT lab
Petrozavodsk State University produce several Qt-based applications which are published on Nokia store. Bubble hunter is game arcade developed in Qt Quick. In this game you need to increase score by clicking bubbles until time is not over. Explode Them is game arcade for Harmattan platform developed in Qt Quick. The main goal of the game to explode as many bombs until sparks did not end. Protector is a simple game for Harmattan platform developed in QtQuick. On your town attacked by aliens and you have to hold out as long as possible. The main goal of the game to collect the highest score. Loader is a simple game for Harmattan platform developed in QtQuick with using Box2D and Tiled plugins. Main goal is building stable construction with maximum height using wooden crates.
13. Mobile Arrhythmia Detector
Is an application for heart function monitoring of a patient. It provides a connection between wearable cardiac monitor, patient and doctor. It is developed for smartphones with OS Symbian. Currently the application works in connection with Alive Bluetooth ECG and Activity Monitor. In the case of arrhythmia detection the user is warned. In emergency case the application can make a call or send a SMS automatically to doctor or relatives. Demo scenario: the app runs in Qt emulator. The mock object simulates the ECG signals with arrythmia indication.
18. FRUCT Social Network
The project ( is the social network of the largest regional open innovations community on telecommunications, which allows you to increase your visibility, expand your social circle and meet many interesting people . We would like to tell you about key features of the social network, such as personal pages creating, publications sharing and cv generating possibilities. Nowadays everybody can create his own FRUCT social page, associate it with universities and organisations, FRUCT projects and working groups. There are some useful features: for example, you can edit your uploaded photography (rotate, flip, crop, etc). Also one of the importants achievements of the project is fully functioning CV generator. Our demo stand will consist from a table and some computers. Each participant of the conference will be able to register in social network and fill in his page.
19. CDS: Context desktop for Symbian^3
The CDS application makes the mobile phone desktop context-aware. Using the current user's coordinates CDS queries the current weather for this location. Context is a combination of the weather data with local time and season (spring, summer, autumn, winter). For the given context, CDS generates an image to illustrate the context visually. Then the image is set as wallpaper of the phone. The application runs in background and the context update is periodical. The user can adjust the update rate (in hours) or stop the application. Such context illustration effects can be applied in the user settings as sunrise/sunset and precipitations. The application is written in QML and Qt.
20. Using NFC technology in mobile health
Over the last 2 years of NFC (Near Field Communication) technology in mobile phones become increasingly popularity. They are used for mobile payment, as electronic ticket, in commerce and etc. This demonstration will show the using of this technology in mobile health application. Demonstration will consist of two parts: the first part will be shown a pattern of use NFC to identify the person, if a few people in the family use one medical device. The second part will show a sample application that increases accuracy of tracking medication the patient.
22. Owl ontology visualization tool
This project describes an idea of visual modeling tool for knowledge bases. The tool is planned to be an interactive multimedia application, which intuitively demonstrates complicated ontological structures and makes cognition process more effective and interesting. This work is a part of project concerning the optics ontology development and building an educational portal to introduce it into Optics Museum of ITMO University. The tool visualizes ontology in form of a graph and is planned to be used on tablet PC-s or info-stands installed in the museum.
23. Ecowatch application
Modern mobile technologies can be used for increasing of interaction efficiency  between citizens and local governments in solving of local environmental problems. With the smartphone, the user can operatively inform on the found out problem, whether it be an illegal parking on a lawn, an unapproved dump or emissions of chemical substances. As the majority of modern smartphones are equipped by cameras users can provide photos with issue reports. These reports can be taken into account by authorities and responsible organizations, e.g. police or housing-and-municipal services. Other volunteers can fetch the information about issues located nearby from the backend store and provide their own comments and photos. This idea is implemented in EcoWatch application. Second feature of EcoWatch application is the possibility to mark the locations of toxic wastes such as energy-safe bulbs and waste paper collection points. Currently the application uses a MyTerritory ( API to store reports. Demo scenario: the app runs in Qt emulator.