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Workshop on Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
Cyber-physical systems will change the way of interaction with the physical world, similar to how the Internet has changed the way we are interacting to each other. Cyber-Physical-Social systems tightly integrate physical, cyber, and social worlds based on interactions between these worlds in real time. This area is a new research and development field that requires further development of models, methodologies, and theories for efficient interaction between physical, cyber, and social worlds. Cyber-Physical-Social systems rely on communication, computation and control infrastructures commonly consisting of several levels for the three worlds with various resources as sensors, actuators, computational resources, services, humans, etc. Operation and configuration of CPS require approaches for managing the variability at design time and the dynamics at runtime caused by a multitude of component types and changing application environments.
The workshop start by the training on Cyber-Physical-Social systems development with Lego Mindstorms EV3 kits. The main part of workshop program consists of presentations given by academic and industrial experts. The program is concluded by demo section organized in cooperation with the 17th FRUCT conference demo section.
The workshop is organized by international laboratory «Intelligent Technologies for Socio-Cyberphysical Systems», ITMO University. We warmly welcome industry and academic experts to contribute to the seminar by participation in interactive discussions and experience sharing. The workshop is free of charge and open for all participants registered to the 17th FRUCT conference.
Topics (non-exclusive) addressed in the workshop program:
- Ontology-based cyber-physical systems
- Security in cyber-physical systems
- Social systems development
- Context modeling in cyber-physical systems
- Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things
- Smart spaces for cyber-physical systems
- Knowledge management in cyber-physical systems
Training: Cyber-Physical-Social systems development with Lego Mindstorms EV3 kits
Lego® Mindstorms is one of the most popular sets in robot constructing education. The latest system, called the Lego Mindstorms EV3, was released on September 1, 2013. Lego Mindstorms has own IDE for robot actions programming. It allows to program actions by visual programming language using blocks with customizing parameters. These blocks cover in general all robot functionality. In the training an environment for high-level program development is considered. You will learn how to create and program robots with Lego Mindstorms EV3 robotic kit running Lego Java OS (LeJOS). The following topics will be covered by the training:
- The core set of EV3 robotic kit and its’ benefits to the other robotic kits.
- Alternatives to the embedded OS. Installing and running LeJOS.
- Robot programming with LeJOS. Classes for the robot control.
- EV3 robot as knowledge processor in Smart-M3 Environment.
You should have basic experience of programming on Java plus elementary knowledge of Linux. Please have laptop for exercises. The recommended programming environment includes:
- Java SE v7u60;
- Your preferred IDE. LeJOS has Eclipse plugin for developing and debugging, but environment can be configured in other IDE’s
- LeJOS classes.
- PuTTY or other SSH client for communication with the robot.
Eclipse plugin and *.jar classes with documentation can be found on the project repository at SourceForge. We recommend downloading the 0.8.1-beta version of LeJOS as the latest tested version.