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There is an increasing need for being able to compute using data while it is encrypted. This makes it possible to work with others on confidential data without letting each other see any more than they actually need to.
Country: GREECE - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 10:41 - Organisation: University of Thessaly - Research Fields: Medical sciences
Country: GREECE - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 10:45 - Organisation: University of Thessaly - Research Fields: Medical sciences
Country: GREECE - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 10:48 - Organisation: University of Thessaly - Research Fields: Computer science
Country: SWEDEN - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 10:59 - Organisation: Chalmers University of Technology - Research Fields: Technology
Country: GREECE - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 11:13 - Organisation: University of Thessaly - Research Fields: Biological sciences
Country: GREECE - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 11:14 - Organisation: University of Thessaly - Research Fields: Biological sciences
Kebnekaise, Sweden's highest peak, has now reached its lowest level since measurements began in 1902. This result was discovered during the traditional measurement of Kebnekaise, carried out at the end of each summer season at Tarfala, Stockholm University's research centre. The south peak was measured at 2,099 metres above sea level; just 2.7 metres now separates the south peak from the north peak, which measures 2,096.3 metres.
Country: GREECE - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 10:37 - Organisation: University of Thessaly - Research Fields: Medical sciences
