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Country: SWEDEN - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 09:28 - Organisation: Chalmers University of Technology - Research Fields: Technology
Country: POLAND - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 09:32 - Organisation: WROCŁAW UNIVERSITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIFE SCIENCES - Research Fields: Agricultural sciences
Country: SWEDEN - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 09:33 - Organisation: universitypositions - Research Fields: Arts
Country: POLAND - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 09:43 - Organisation: Silesian University of Technology - Research Fields: Technology
Country: POLAND - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 09:48 - Organisation: Silesian University of Technology - Research Fields: Engineering
Country: POLAND - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 09:49 - Organisation: University of Szczecin - Research Fields: Biological sciences, Biological sciences
Country: POLAND - Download date: 2014 01 21 16:15 - Post date: 21-01-2014 10:01 - Organisation: Medical University of Bialystok - Research Fields: Medical sciences
There are vacant places on the UniPæd courses starting in week 4:Introduction to the assistant professor teacher training programme, 22 January, 9:30-15:00 in 30A.1-13. Read more about it and register here > Collegial intervision, 20 January, 09:00-15:00, 14 May, 09:00-12:00 and 10 November, 10:45-12:45 in room 30A.1-13th.
First-year IT students’ Lego robots conquered the lobby of the ICT Building on a December Monday afternoon. Visitors walking through the corridors got a chance to see Lego robots that were prototypes of the students’ innovations that make life easier.
The autumn issue of TUAS Sun Ship magazine tells about the experiences of international students and personnel at TUAS. Interviewees, coming from different countries, tell why they chose to come here and what they have experienced during their stay at TUAS.
