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The ICT Building in Turku was a hive of activity on an October Wednesday with 15 genuine customer projects and their “owners” recruiting students to work on them. Nearly 70 students were in attendance to find a suitable project.
Turku University of Applied Sciences is applying for a new operating licence mainly in line with its current operations. The aim is to focus education, research, development and innovation activities on four fields.
The 22nd academic year of Turku University of Applied Sciences has been opened. In his speech Rector Juha Kettunen emphasised the role of rapid graduation amd RDI activities.
Social ClubDo you miss talking and hanging out with both Danish and international students at RUC? The university chaplain invites you to a monthly 'social club' > Evaluate the student chaplainDo you want to evaluate or say anything about the chaplain as an interlocutor? Then you can do so here >
Are you interested in design and social science?Then read about RUC's new education, 'Spatial Designs and Society' here >You can also read more about the programme in this folder >You can also read more about the programme on Facebook >
The management has decided that Human Resources and Communication shall be divided into two new sections in 2014. This will occur as soon as a new Head of HR and a new Head of Communications and Secretariat have been appointed.Following the organizational change, the daily management of the Chancellor's Office will be assigned to the new Head of Communications and Secretariat.Both manegers will refere to the University Director, like the two other heads.
University Director Peter Lauritzen has written the following on the Rectorship's New Year blog on"The desire for higher standards in the education programmes in universities is not something that the current Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education Morten Østergaard has invented. Here at RUC, we in the Rectorship have been working with higher quality as an explicit objective for several years. We have had a strong focus for several years on quality, in the sense of quality in education, research and administration. "
Registration for free courses in academic English writing and speaking for students is now available. Read about the courses here >Deadline for registration: 24 January at 12 noon.
The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) honours the doctors who were awarded their doctoral degrees during the academic year 2012/2013.
On 1 January 2014 Prof. Tor A. Benjaminsen assumed the position as Head of Research at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies. He succeeds Prof. Randi Kaarhus who has held this position since November 2011.
