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Chemists at Umeå University have been able to trace narcotics substances and prescription drugs in measurements of wastewater from 33 Swedish sewage treatment plants. Cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine, in measurable concentrations, were found in a total of half of the locations.
Professor Martin Karplus, one of the three Nobel Laureates in Chemistry 2013, will visit Umeå University on Friday December 13 to give a lecture on his groundbreaking research. Thanks to the methods he started developing in the 1970s together with Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel, today’s chemists can research in detail every little step in complicated chemical processes.
Researchers in Umeå and Uppsala have found that residues of the influenza drug Tamiflu in our environment can make the influenza virus in birds resistant. This can have serious consequences in the event of an influenza pandemic. With more than 14 million SEK from the Swedish Research Councils Formas and VR, the research team will now continue their studies with a focus on alternative antiviral drugs.
