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KTU will have more than 450 students from Europe, Asia and Africa. The map of our international community now covers over 40 countries!
Welcome to KTU! Anticipating your arrival we have prepared a thorough programme that will make you feel at home.
KTU students are among the five most innovative teams in an international competition Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge.
Jaunystė, the academic choir of Kaunas University of Technology was voted the best at the national competition of adult choirs.
Professor Stefan Jansson has been named the Linné award recipient in botany at the annual meeting of the "Kunglig Fysiografiska Sällskapet" on 2 December. The prize committee honours Stefan Jansson as "undoubtedly one of Sweden's most prominent (and also most cited) plant physiologists.
For the first time, researchers at Umeå University have succeeded in showing how the DNA polymerase epsilon enzyme builds new genomes. The detailed image produced by these researchers shows how mutations that can contribute to the development of colorectal cancer and cervical cancer lead to changes in the structure of the protein. This study will be published in the journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.
KTU choir Jaunystė is one of seven contestants at national Choir Euroviosion selection. Watch the performance this Sunday.
KTU researchers who collaborate with Taiwan say that both countries share scientific interests and some cultural similarities.
 Before exams is it better to study all night, or to sleep sound, or to play computer games, perhaps?
On January 8, Intensive Lithuanian Language and Culture Winter Course begins.
