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The EIT’s vision for the future will be outlined in its Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA), which will be presented to the European Commission on 31 May 2011 and will cover a period of seven years from 2014 onwards. In order to present a SIA that responds to the needs of its wide stakeholder community, the EIT is actively seeking input from its stakeholders.
The most important events of the past weeks are highlighted in the latest EIT Newsletter I wish to subscibe
The European Commission launched this week a consultation on major improvements to EU research and innovation funding.
On 16 February 2011, the EIT, the European Commission and Climate-KIC signed the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) which forms the basis of their collaboration for the next 7 years. Also signed was the first Grant Agreement of 6 Million Euros covering 2010 until the end of February 2011.
The third EIT/KIC Entrepreneurship Workshop was organised on 14 February 2010 at the EIT Headquarters in Budapest, bringing together 21 participants from the three KICs, the EIT as well as the European Commission. Building on the outcomes of the two previous workshops in September and December 2010, participants were invited to share the progress made in terms of the KICs’ entrepreneurial activities, and to discuss a common toolbox as well as specific EIT initiatives in support of entrepreneurship.
“I am delighted and honoured to have been elected Chairman by my fellow Governing Board members. I am very much looking forward to taking on this challenge with my colleagues at the EIT headquarters and together continue to shape our first three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs)”, says Alexander von Gabain. “After successfully seed-investing into the first three KICs, the next four years will be decisive for the EIT as we will present and start implementing our first Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA).
A delegation of the European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) visited the EIT on 23 February 2011.
The most important events of the past weeks are highlighted in the latest EIT Newsletter I wish to subscibe
Prof. Alexander von Gabain, Member of the EIT Governing Board, presented the EIT’s vision for its future to the EU Member States’ Research Ministers meeting as Informal Competitive Council hosted by the Hungarian Presidency in Gödöllő on 12 April 2011. Chaired by Minister of State Prof. Zóltan Cséfalvay and in presence of European Commissioner for Research and Innovation Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, the EIT revealed key elements of its Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA). The SIA will be presented to the European Commission in June 2011.
