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– The website in English is expected to be published in late winter 2014 Turku University of ...
The film by Selma Vilhunen describes a day in the life of a stressed mother-of-two when everything goes wrong. It has received an Academy Award nomination in the Live Action Short Film category.
A study environment fund of DKK 200,000 per annum has been established in order to inspire and support measures to create a better study environment at RUC.What can be applied for?The study environment fund supports initiatives to improve the study environment at RUC.These can be:Large or small events that strengthen the social and/or professional communities, such as lectures, discussion sessions, student cafés, introduction days at the specialist/graduate programmes etc.
It is again time for the biannual presentation of students' work at HumTek.We will hold the exhibition in the foyer and in the Personnel canteen in Building 4/6. There will be prizes awarded this year for the most innovative idea (sponsored by IDA to a value of DKK 1,000) and the best dissemination of an idea (sponsored by DM in both the first and second year).Programme:12:00: Commencement of the exhibition and welcome by head of studies, Michael Haldrup14:15: Awarding of prizes by Esben Søltoft, DesignMekker/FabLab Denmark14:30: Exhibition ends.
Would you like to help arrange the Annual Party in 2014?Kamarilla is looking for fresh, new members to arrange a major celebration for everyone at RUC. We look forward to hearing from you!Read more about the annual celebration here >
On Wednesday 22 January we will try something new at RU: After-work dancing.We will meet at 16:15 in building 30K.0.01, where Kenneth and Annette, who have both been dancing for 25 years, will teach us to dance the five figures of Les Lanciers.You will visit Les Dorset, La Victoria, Les Moulinets, Les Visites and Les Lancers. You may have danced Lanciers before, in which case you can have a fun refresher and exercise your dancing legs. It may also be that you've never tried it before, and this will be your chance to learn.
New travel settlement forms for external parties etc. with the new rates for 2014 have now been uploaded.The travel settlement forms can be downloaded here >Yours sincerely,Bjarne ClausenFIT/Accounting
Here at RU we have developed an education programme focusing on developing leadership skills in an educational context. The intention is to create a good and strong framework around our education programmes and pedagogical work, and to clarify and enhance the role of the heads of studies among many other actors, between rules, opportunities, management and vision.
Dagbladet Information accepts graduate students at the media school "I'm sure there are many researchers who would like to use a little more humour, use more images and talk in more everyday language. But it's like there is a consensus that if you are a serious researcher, you have to look very grave and speak in a monotone voice" says actor Nastja Arcel. Read the rest of the article here>Three RUC students talk about their thesis, where they have dug deep into the journalistic concept of 'single' on
We twitter and tweet about life as a RUC student, the latest research and exciting activities and events taking place at RUC.Don't miss your daily dose of news from Roskilde University. Follow us on Facebook >Follow us on Twitter >Best wishes, Team Communication
